MS and Stress: Managing the Holidays

Stress is a normal part of life for many people. For some, holidays can be especially stressful because of gift buying, traveling, and making holiday dinners. If you have multiple sclerosis, the stress of the holidays can be compounded by managing your illness on top of everything else.  Living with MS is not only a… Continue reading MS and Stress: Managing the Holidays

Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Multiple Sclerosis

Have you wondered why your vision got so blurry, or why you feel tired all the time? Maybe you’re having trouble remembering things, and your mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be. These symptoms can be scary, and it can be frustrating when there are no clear answers about what they may be.… Continue reading Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Multiple Sclerosis

Breaking the silence on incontinence

A guest blog by member Shannon   MS gives me a lot to write about, which is a wonderful coping mechanism when certain aspects of the disease are difficult to talk about. Initially, I wrote about stress and the heavy toll it’s played in my life, and on my body, in the last month. But, as often happens… Continue reading Breaking the silence on incontinence

“MS cannot stop you from living your life and following your dreams” – an interview with patient advocate and PatientsLikeMe member Starla Espinoza

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month is fast approaching in March, but we just couldn’t wait until then to share our recent interview with patient advocate and PatientsLikeMe member Starla Espinoza, also known as baebae. On top of being a PatientsLikeMe member since 2007, tracking her health and sharing experiences with the community, she’s also a blogger and… Continue reading “MS cannot stop you from living your life and following your dreams” – an interview with patient advocate and PatientsLikeMe member Starla Espinoza

Raising MS Awareness: Meet Ramilla…

At PatientsLikeMe, we believe in getting to know the person, not just the “patient.” That’s why we interview members each month in our newsletter to find out more about how they approach life.  In honor of MS Awareness Month, we are pleased to share with you our recent interview with Ramilla, a three-star member of… Continue reading Raising MS Awareness: Meet Ramilla…