Lupus flares: Stats and infographics based on the PatientsLikeMe community’s experiences

Lupus flares are hard to define. In fact, there wasn’t a clear clinical definition of flares until 2010 (and even that definition is pretty broad). If you’re living with lupus, how would you define a flare? What do you experience during one? To gain a deeper understanding of flares from the patient perspective, the PatientsLikeMe research team… Continue reading Lupus flares: Stats and infographics based on the PatientsLikeMe community’s experiences

Instagram star Jokiva Bellard on living out loud with lupus: “You have to love yourself – you have to put yourself first”

Jokiva Bellard’s old wardrobe: Hoodies, jogging pants, loose clothes, long sleeves. In a word? “Tomboy. I didn’t want anyone to notice me.” She was covering up skin plaques caused by discoid lupus – which routinely brought stares and prying questions from the public. Then came the facemasks. The model, who hails from New Orleans but… Continue reading Instagram star Jokiva Bellard on living out loud with lupus: “You have to love yourself – you have to put yourself first”