The Choices Patients Like You – and Like My Mother – Face

Patients like you with life-changing conditions have to make choices every day, just like anyone else. These choices, however, typically have more at stake than how to RSVP to a party or even whether to walk away from an “underwater” home. For patients like you, your lives may be at stake. I have watched my… Continue reading The Choices Patients Like You – and Like My Mother – Face

Share and Compare: The Launch of Two Medications

The launch of a new medication can be a very exciting event.  It can renew hope for a better future and provide proof of the billions spent on research every year.  It can also stimulate a lot of interesting conversation. Or not.  We’ve learned from you that not every new medication warrants your attention and… Continue reading Share and Compare: The Launch of Two Medications

Redesigned Treatment Reports on PatientsLikeMe

One thing that’s great about working at PatientsLikeMe is that our members are really invested in making our product better. Every day, we receive lots of great recommendations about how to improve the site.   Today, we’re unveiling newly redesigned treatment reports that incorporate feedback we’ve received in all our communities.  Want to know what medications… Continue reading Redesigned Treatment Reports on PatientsLikeMe

Research Award: Patients Informing Practice

Earlier this Fall at Medicine 2.0, PatientsLikeMe was honored to receive the inaugural Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Award for our paper on what we can learn about drugs post market from patients reporting treatment experiences on PatientsLikeMe. Once a drug is on the market, it can be difficult to evaluate how it’s working… Continue reading Research Award: Patients Informing Practice

PatientsLikeMe Offers Adverse Event Reporting for MS Patients

PatientsLikeMe is proud to announce a pilot program in our multiple sclerosis community which helps patients submit treatment-related adverse events directly to the The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through our site. “Adverse events” are severe side effects or events that occur as a result of using a medication, medical product or device.  Understanding… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Offers Adverse Event Reporting for MS Patients