MARCHing together for myeloma awareness

There’s a lot of awareness going on in March. So far, we’ve learned more about sleep conditions (how pain can increase sleep debt), multiple sclerosis (the myths and facts) and brain injury (how it might be more common than you think). Today, we’re shining a spotlight on myeloma, a type of blood cancer that affects more… Continue reading MARCHing together for myeloma awareness

Every three minutes

That’s how often a person is diagnosed with blood cancer in the United States, according to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). This means that 156,420 Americans will be diagnosed in 2014, and hundreds of thousands more worldwide. But that’s just the start of what everyone can learn during National Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Check… Continue reading Every three minutes

Tell one person about multiple myeloma in March

There’s a lot of healthcare awareness going on in March, everything from multiple sclerosis and brain disease to diabetes. March is also known as Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month, and from now until April, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is getting the word out with their “Tell One Person” campaign. And that’s really all you have… Continue reading Tell one person about multiple myeloma in March