Going the distance for MS awareness

Meet Cheryl (CherylRunner), a marathoner living with MS. Since it’s MS Awareness Month, we sat down to chat with her about what she’s doing to raise awareness: running 7 marathons on 7 continents in a 12-month span. So far under her belt are South Africa, Argentina, Hawaii, Antarctica and Japan, and now she prepares to… Continue reading Going the distance for MS awareness

Myths vs. facts about multiple sclerosis

Stop! What do you know about multiple sclerosis (MS)? That’s the question we’re asking during MS Awareness Month. We’ve heard from many community members that people don’t always get what it’s like to live with MS, and that there’s wrong information out there. So as part of ongoing awareness efforts, we created shareable photos that… Continue reading Myths vs. facts about multiple sclerosis

“Post-MS, I’m one of the strongest people I know” – PatientsLikeMe MS member Jazz1982 opens up about her experiences with MS

PatientsLikeMe members are located all over the world, and this month, Swedish MS advocate Jazz1982 shared about what life is like on the other side of the Atlantic. She spoke in detail about the stigma surrounding MS, her exceptionally strong mindset and her experiences with Betaseron, Tysabri, Mabthera (Rituximab) and a few other pharmacological treatments.… Continue reading “Post-MS, I’m one of the strongest people I know” – PatientsLikeMe MS member Jazz1982 opens up about her experiences with MS

Getting involved during Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week

Did you know that every year, the first week of March is dedicated to multiple sclerosis (MS) awareness in the United States? From March 3rd to March 9th, events will be held across the country to educate people about the four different kinds of MS and how the neurological condition impacts peoples’ lives. In the… Continue reading Getting involved during Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week