Stem Cell Treatment For MS

Stem Cell Treatment For MS - Stem Cell For MS

Stem cell therapy is a popular topic in the MS forum and some members are already tracking and evaluating their experience. How does it work? Are there risks? To find answers to your stem cell therapy questions, we asked our team of in-house health professionals to take a look at the current research What are stem cells?… Continue reading Stem Cell Treatment For MS

MS & Vertigo: How do you cope?

Ever have a sudden loss of balance or feel like the room is spinning? You’re not alone —it’s a popular topic in the forum, and vertigo might be to blame. See what other members have shared about their experience with this symptom and how they cope. What’s vertigo? Vertigo is the feeling that you, or the… Continue reading MS & Vertigo: How do you cope?

MS constipation blues? See 12+ treatment options

Feeling “irregular” on the regular? Constipation is a common issue for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS), affecting as many as 40% of patients. Over 15,000 MS members on PatientsLikeMe report experiencing bowel problems and of those, about 47% have reported it as “moderate” or “severe” – take a look here. With help from our team of… Continue reading MS constipation blues? See 12+ treatment options

Staying mobile with assistive walking devices: Member Cathy weighs in

walking devices

Do you have difficulty walking or getting around? Have you considered using a wheelchair, walker or cane? Making the decision to use a walking or mobility aid can be difficult. You’re not alone. Here, PatientsLikeMe member Cathy living with multiple sclerosis shares about how she overcame the fear of losing her independence and how using a cane is… Continue reading Staying mobile with assistive walking devices: Member Cathy weighs in

Managing MS fatigue & guilt

Ever feel guilty about how your MS symptoms impact your life or the people around you? Like you can’t “pull your weight” or that people don’t understand that needing to rest is a real symptom and not laziness? The PatientsLikeMe community can relate — there are nearly 26,000 members with MS reporting fatigue as a symptom, and… Continue reading Managing MS fatigue & guilt

“Not in this fight alone.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient Monica

Say ‘hello’ to Monica. Some of you may know her on PatientsLikeMe as msajstall. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) back in 2005 and has been a member of the PatientsLikeMe community for 6 years now. She recently took some time to talk with us about her diagnosis, finding the right healthcare coverage and… Continue reading “Not in this fight alone.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient Monica

What Part of MS Are You Most Afraid of?

Can facing your fears help you come to terms with them? That’s the idea behind a recent discussion in our multiple sclerosis (MS) forum, in which one member asked, “What part of MS are you most afraid of?”  The answers poured in from dozens of MS members who found it cathartic to reveal their true… Continue reading What Part of MS Are You Most Afraid of?

Marcia Hirst: Don’t Let Multiple Sclerosis Take the Joy Out of Your Life

“The benefit of sharing on PatientsLikeMe is the support.  For me, it doesn’t matter what I’m going through, there are people there that understand.  They’re not judgmental.  They get it.  They’re there too.  I get lots of emotional moral support.” – Multiple Sclerosis Patient Marcia Back in June, we shared with you a video interview… Continue reading Marcia Hirst: Don’t Let Multiple Sclerosis Take the Joy Out of Your Life

Interview with Dr. Dee Kite, Author of “The Dumbest Things Smart People Say to Folks with MS” (Part II)

In Part I of our interview, we learned how Dee came to write The Dumbest Things Smart People Say to Folks with MS, how PatientsLikeMe’s MS Community was a critical part of her research and, most importantly, her “top three dumbest things” not to say. Today we find out more about Dee’s personal journey with… Continue reading Interview with Dr. Dee Kite, Author of “The Dumbest Things Smart People Say to Folks with MS” (Part II)

Interview with Dr. Dee Kite, Author of “The Dumbest Things Smart People Say to Folks with MS” (Part I)

Continuing our observance of MS Awareness Week, we’d like to introduce you to longtime PatientsLikeMe member Dr. Dee Kite (“CoachDee”), who has been living with multiple sclerosis (MS) for over 23 years. A life coach who specializes in MS patients, Dee became interested in social awareness, or how best to talk and interact with a… Continue reading Interview with Dr. Dee Kite, Author of “The Dumbest Things Smart People Say to Folks with MS” (Part I)