MS Awareness Week: Real-World Descriptions (and a Poem!) from Our MS Community

We kicked off MS Awareness Month by sharing some key facts we’ve learned from our MS community (26,000+ members and counting).  Now, we are digging a bit deeper in honor of MS Awareness Week.  You’ve already heard about common MS symptoms as well as frequent topics in our MS forum.  But what it is really like to… Continue reading MS Awareness Week: Real-World Descriptions (and a Poem!) from Our MS Community

One for All: Interview with Babsie (Fibromyalgia Community Welcomer)

To close out this week’s blog series (“One for All”), we bring you an interview with another noted “welcomer” from our Fibromyalgia community.  Meet Babsie.  A member of the 19,000-member community, she has commented on hundreds of patient profiles to date (which is highlighted in a graphic on Jeff Cole’s earlier blog here).   Read… Continue reading One for All: Interview with Babsie (Fibromyalgia Community Welcomer)

One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)

We’ve been learning about how connected our patients are this week in our blog series called “One for All.”  In the first two blogs by Jeff Cole, we read (and saw through cool graphics) how some of our members are initiating an unparalleled universe of dialogue.  Today, we sit down with one of those members,… Continue reading One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)

One for All: The PatientsLikeMe “Welcome Wagon”

In yesterday’s post, we looked at some of the ways members of the PatientsLikeMe community are connecting with other patients and the value they are getting from it.  Today, we’ll highlight how one person can make an enormous difference and inspire you with her ability to connect with others. One method of reaching out to… Continue reading One for All: The PatientsLikeMe “Welcome Wagon”

Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure

Our research team here at PatientsLikeMe carries out world-class research in collaboration with academic centers, commercial partners (see “how we make money“), and to help answer questions from our patients. We share our findings with the world through this blog, peer-reviewed publications, and by attending academic conferences like the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)… Continue reading Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure