Overcoming Obstacles – Newsletter Highlight 2010

Last week, we posted highlights from our December community newsletter interviews. As we close out 2010, we want to spotlight another question asked this month – one that is relative to all members, all patients (no matter the condition).  What obstacles have you faced and overcome this year? To review all of our newsletters, you… Continue reading Overcoming Obstacles – Newsletter Highlight 2010

Sharing and Learning with PatientsLikeMe

In December community newsletters (launched earlier this week), we asked some of our members to think about what they’ve shared and compared in 2010.  Below are highlighted answers from each interviewee across all nine community newsletters.  Thank you for your contributions. We also want to thank all of you who have contributed to the 90… Continue reading Sharing and Learning with PatientsLikeMe

Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications

One of the ways we can better understand whether you, as patients, are having a positive or negative treatment experience is to “listen” to the conversation you’re having in our forum.  By understanding whether you are having a positive, negative, or neutral experience with a particular treatment you are taking or are considering taking, we… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications

One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)

We’ve been learning about how connected our patients are this week in our blog series called “One for All.”  In the first two blogs by Jeff Cole, we read (and saw through cool graphics) how some of our members are initiating an unparalleled universe of dialogue.  Today, we sit down with one of those members,… Continue reading One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)

Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure

Our research team here at PatientsLikeMe carries out world-class research in collaboration with academic centers, commercial partners (see “how we make money“), and to help answer questions from our patients. We share our findings with the world through this blog, peer-reviewed publications, and by attending academic conferences like the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)… Continue reading Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure

Celebrating MS Awareness Month:
Interview with Accelerated Cure’s Sara Loud

It’s MS Awareness Month and we’re excited to bring you information from our nonprofit partner, Accelerated Cure Project for MS.  We briefly mentioned the Accelerated Cure Repository in our blog interview with Devic’s patient, Gracie.  We thought we’d take the opportunity to ask The Accelerated Cure Project for MS a bit more about the repository… Continue reading Celebrating MS Awareness Month:
Interview with Accelerated Cure’s Sara Loud

Raising MS Awareness: Meet Ramilla…

At PatientsLikeMe, we believe in getting to know the person, not just the “patient.” That’s why we interview members each month in our newsletter to find out more about how they approach life.  In honor of MS Awareness Month, we are pleased to share with you our recent interview with Ramilla, a three-star member of… Continue reading Raising MS Awareness: Meet Ramilla…

It’s Rare Disease Day!
Interview with Gracie (Devic’s NMO Patient)

Today, we’re joining the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) to help raise awareness for Rare Disease Day.  In recognition of the day, we recently interviewed Gracie, a valued member of our Devic’s Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) community. Devic’s NMO is a rare autoimmune inflammatory disorder which affects the optic nerve and spinal cord and is… Continue reading It’s Rare Disease Day!
Interview with Gracie (Devic’s NMO Patient)

PatientsLikeMe Acquires Online Pain Management Company, ReliefInsite

Today’s news release announcing acquisition of ReliefInsite.  Want to receive future announcements?  Sign up for our RSS feed on the press page. – – – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PATIENTSLIKEME ACQUIRES ONLINE PAIN MANAGEMENT COMPANY, RELIEFINSITE 20,000 Patients Reporting Moderate to Severe Pain on PatientsLikeMe Cambridge, MA and New York City, NY – February 16, 2010… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Acquires Online Pain Management Company, ReliefInsite

A Year in Review: PatientsLikeMe in 2009

As 2009 comes to an end, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of our members, partners and general fans for another great year.   Here’s a recap of some of the exciting happenings at PatientsLikeMe these past 12 months.  Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Community Milestones This year, the 15+ disease… Continue reading A Year in Review: PatientsLikeMe in 2009