Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – brain fog

Australian Jessica Anderson has been living with multiple sclerosis since she was 12 years old, and she says brain fog is the scariest symptom she experiences, especially not being able to gather and make sense of her own thoughts. During her worst moments, she can barely focus on a thought for more than 30 seconds.… Continue reading Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – brain fog

PatientsLikeMe member Tam builds first-ever ‘by patients, for patients’ health measure on the Open Research Exchange

Back in March last year, we shared on the blog about a new grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that would help support two patient-led projects on our Open Research Exchange (ORE) , a platform that brings patients and researchers together to develop the most effective tools for measuring disease. We were overwhelmed by… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe member Tam builds first-ever ‘by patients, for patients’ health measure on the Open Research Exchange

Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – fatigue

“It’s like I’m deflated. I don’t feel like doing anything.” That’s how Darcy McCann says he feels on most days. He’s a young Australian who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis [MS] at the age of 10, and his most debilitating symptom is fatigue, which comes and goes as a result of his nerves being constantly… Continue reading Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – fatigue

The Patient Voice- MS member Jackie shares her story

  When Jackie was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after a long, exhausting process, she struggled with a fear of the unknown and had no idea what she would be facing. But then she connected with the thousands of MS members on PatientsLikeMe. Jackie shared with the community about how she felt her current medication was… Continue reading The Patient Voice- MS member Jackie shares her story

Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – dizziness

Lyn Petruccelli is living with multiple sclerosis, and she fights random waves of vertigo and dizziness that can strike her at any moment. Sometimes, the feelings are so strong, she can’t even get out of bed. As Lyn says, “I can’t see it coming, and that makes it hard to fight.”1   You are now… Continue reading Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – dizziness

Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – spasticity

Australian comedian and public speaker Tim Ferguson said it the best – “Seeing [MS] is all about helping everybody, in society, right across the world, get their heads around this mysterious and sometimes scary condition.” He’s living with multiple sclerosis (MS), and he spoke about his spasticity in the video below.   You are now… Continue reading Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – spasticity

“I just kind of went on with life.” – PatientsLikeMe member Fred shares his experiences with MS

We’ve interviewed a lot of members on the blog over the years, and each has a different perspective on life with MS. Fred1118 has taken sharing about his life with MS to a whole new level, documenting his life in a personal photoblog and posting the pictures with the world online. Fred shared all about… Continue reading “I just kind of went on with life.” – PatientsLikeMe member Fred shares his experiences with MS

Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – hot and cold

Dimitri is living with multiple sclerosis (MS), and he experiences dramatic changes in his body temperature every day. These swings can aggravate his other symptoms and leave him feeling suffocated. As he puts it, “a single bead of sweat can bring me to my knees.”   You are now seeing hot and cold Photographed by… Continue reading Seeing [MS]: The invisible symptoms – hot and cold

MS members share about their PatientsLikeMeInMotion™ experiences

PatientsLikeMeInMotion™ is a way to celebrate our three star members (super health data donors) and sponsor them at events so that they can raise awareness for their condition. If you’re passionate about advocacy and you’re participating in a walk, run or other fundraiser on behalf of your condition, learn more and sign up right here. … Continue reading MS members share about their PatientsLikeMeInMotion™ experiences

Every three minutes

That’s how often a person is diagnosed with blood cancer in the United States, according to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). This means that 156,420 Americans will be diagnosed in 2014, and hundreds of thousands more worldwide. But that’s just the start of what everyone can learn during National Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Check… Continue reading Every three minutes