Making a difference for Parkinson’s disease in April

  After getting diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), PatientsLikeMe member Ed recalled “I needed to talk to people who had the disease, because only they knew what it was like…and could help me get through that initial shock… we can do much better fighting the disease as a group than we can as individuals.” And… Continue reading Making a difference for Parkinson’s disease in April

Six Days Until the Parkinson’s Unity Walk

Parkinson’s Awareness Month isn’t over yet!  This month-long effort is capped off by the Parkinson’s Unity Walk, which takes place Saturday, April 28th, in New York City’s Central Park. The largest grassroots awareness event for Parkinson’s disease (PD), the Unity Walk is anticipated to attract more than 10,000 participants.  If you’ve never attended something of… Continue reading Six Days Until the Parkinson’s Unity Walk