The Importance of Open Access: An Interview with Patient Advocate Graham Steel

A native of Glasgow, Scotland, Graham Steel is a longtime “Guest Researcher Member” of PatientsLikeMe.  Following the death of his brother Richard at the age of 33 from a rare condition known as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), Graham became involved in patient advocacy work, and most recently, in lobbying for open access to published scientific… Continue reading The Importance of Open Access: An Interview with Patient Advocate Graham Steel

What We’re Reading at PatientsLikeMe

Here are some of the media items that grabbed our attention recently. What Air Traffic Can Teach Us About Kidney Transplants Air traffic rules balance fairness and efficiency. Can organ waitlists do the same? Open Access Is Not for Scientists.  It’s for Patients. A guest blog post by our R&D Director, Paul Wicks, for the… Continue reading What We’re Reading at PatientsLikeMe

Free Up Research! On Our Way to 25,000 Signatures

Have you heard about the petition launched to the White House asking for all federally funded research to be freely accessible over the Internet? We’ve signed it and here’s why… Today, government-funded research (that’s research paid for with your tax dollars) is often something you can have access to in published scientific journals, but for a… Continue reading Free Up Research! On Our Way to 25,000 Signatures