What Affect Does Lupus Have On Your Organs? 

What Are Considered Vital Organs?  Vital organs refer to organs essential for survival, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain. Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease. By damaging the immune system, antibodies may now recognize parts of your own body as foreign. No two cases of lupus are alike, and because of its complexity any… Continue reading What Affect Does Lupus Have On Your Organs? 

Give the gift of life on National Donor Day

Some of us might give our significant others and family members flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s Day, but did you know that February 14th is also National Donor Day? That’s right – in the spirit of love and giving, today is all about celebrating past donors and raising awareness for the five points of life:… Continue reading Give the gift of life on National Donor Day