5 Stages of Parkinson’s Disease and How to Treat Them 

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive disease, meaning the symptoms develop slowly over the course of several years. Although there are four main motor symptoms that occur with Parkinson’s, not every patient will experience symptoms in the same order and in the same way. However, there are patterns of symptom progression that most patients will experience.  The… Continue reading 5 Stages of Parkinson’s Disease and How to Treat Them 

Let’s talk: Parkinson’s disease, speech changes + communication issues

Parkisnon's Speech

Parkinson’s disease can cause your voice to become raspy, quiet or unsteady, and motor symptoms can make writing and typing more difficult. Have you experienced communication issues like these? See what others have tried — from Lee Silverman Voice Treatment and voice-activated “smart” devices to (drumroll please…) singing classes. How PD can impact communication Parkinson’s… Continue reading Let’s talk: Parkinson’s disease, speech changes + communication issues

Cannabis for PD treatment? Member Ian says it’s something to shout about

Member Ian (Selfbuilder) blogs and vlogs about using cannabis products to treat his Parkinson’s disease symptoms, even though marijuana (including medical marijuana) is illegal and stigmatized where he lives in the U.K. Why is he speaking up? “I know that I would not be here now if it wasn’t for the relief provided by my… Continue reading Cannabis for PD treatment? Member Ian says it’s something to shout about