PatientsLikeMeInMotion at 2010 Parkinson’s Unity Walk

Last weekend, we headed to New York City in great anticipation of the 2010 Parkinson’s Unity Walk held each year in Central Park.  We were excited once again to meet members of Team PatientsLikeMe, a group of patients who travel from across the country to meet one another and work tirelessly to raise money each… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeInMotion at 2010 Parkinson’s Unity Walk

Tell The World: Parkinson’s Patients are “In Motion”

The PatientsLikeMeInMotion sponsorship program has been a tremendous success so far this year! Sponsorship requests from members participating in nonprofit events are flying in by the second from all over the country.  It’s exciting to see our members are as active offline as they are online about raising awareness of their condition.  The PatientsLikeMeInMotion program… Continue reading Tell The World: Parkinson’s Patients are “In Motion”

Tell the World: Parkinson’s Patients Unite Online and Off

At PatientsLikeMe, thousands of patients are uniting online to share health data, find patients like them, and to learn from one another.  Since this is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, we wanted to highlight an off-line event that also represents unity – aptly named the Unity Walk.  The annual event, which takes place next weekend in New… Continue reading Tell the World: Parkinson’s Patients Unite Online and Off

PatientsLikeMe at 2009 Parkinson’s Unity Walk

PatientsLikeMe was once again a proud sponsor of the 15th Annual Parkinson’s Unity Walk, held in New York City on Saturday April 25, 2009. On a gorgeous but hot day in Central Park, Jeana Frost, James Kebinger and I (Maureen Oakes) joined thousands of walkers and sponsors in raising more than $1.2 million for Parkinson’s… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at 2009 Parkinson’s Unity Walk

Parkinson’s Disease: Real-World Data, Real-World Experiences

It’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month. As we continue to spread the word about this condition, we wanted to tell you a little bit more about our PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community. Launched two years ago this month, the community has steadily grown to include more than 3,400 patients. Below are some interesting facts about the community, as well… Continue reading Parkinson’s Disease: Real-World Data, Real-World Experiences

Share On: Parkinson’s Awareness Month and PatientsLikeMe PD Community Anniversary

Did you know this April is both Parkinson’s Awareness Month and the 2-year anniversary of the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community?  We invite you to celebrate with us all month as we share real-world patient insights and experiences of living with this disease…and we ask you to share on! The PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community has come a long… Continue reading Share On: Parkinson’s Awareness Month and PatientsLikeMe PD Community Anniversary