“I thank my donor every day for this gift”: Member Laura shares her lung transplant story

Meet LaurCT, an active 2015-2016 Team of Advisors alum living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). She underwent a left lung transplant at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston in January and recently shared her experience with us. How are you feeling these days?  I am feeling great. I’ve had a couple bumps in the road… Continue reading “I thank my donor every day for this gift”: Member Laura shares her lung transplant story

The record on research: Catching up with TOA member Cris

Back in January we introduced Cris, a member of the 2016-2017 PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors living with ALS. She’s also a fierce patient advocate who’s participated in several clinical trials since her diagnosis. We recently caught up with her to learn about her experience with clinical trials and why access and awareness of clinical trials… Continue reading The record on research: Catching up with TOA member Cris

Going the distance for MS awareness

Meet Cheryl (CherylRunner), a marathoner living with MS. Since it’s MS Awareness Month, we sat down to chat with her about what she’s doing to raise awareness: running 7 marathons on 7 continents in a 12-month span. So far under her belt are South Africa, Argentina, Hawaii, Antarctica and Japan, and now she prepares to… Continue reading Going the distance for MS awareness

Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA

Have you had chance to check out that poll where 2,000+ PatientsLikeMe members shared their views on the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”)? It was the largest patient poll on potential changes to the health care law, and several media outlets are now listening up. A recent CNBC article called “The human side of the Obamacare debate”… Continue reading Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA

Member Kimberly opens up about living with a rare disease

Today is Rare Disease Day 2017, and to raise awareness Kimberly (firefly84), a member of the 2016-2017 Team of Advisors, recently shared some of her experiences living with autonomic neuropathy, a rare disease: “Perhaps you’ve heard the saying ‘when you hear hoof beats, think of horses not zebras,’ but I am the zebra in that… Continue reading Member Kimberly opens up about living with a rare disease

Communicating drug risks/benefits so the message really gets through

Last month, Jim, a member of the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors, was invited by Sally Okun, PatientsLikeMe’s VP Advocacy, Policy & Patient Safety, to present at the Drug Information Association (DIA) Pharmacovigilance Conference. He also led a lunch roundtable for drug risk/benefit communications experts. Sally, who also participated on the roundtable panel, says requests for… Continue reading Communicating drug risks/benefits so the message really gets through

“I feel it needs to be told”: Member Cathy shares a memory

Last year, we spoke with Cathy (Catrin) about her experience transitioning into a caregiver role for her husband, Fred, who was living with bulbar onset ALS. Shortly after that, Fred passed away, and to mark the year of his passing, Cathy recently shared the following memory. Here’s what she had to say… “I have been… Continue reading “I feel it needs to be told”: Member Cathy shares a memory

What do PatientsLikeMe members think about the Affordable Care Act?

With a new administration in Washington, the future of “Obamacare” is uncertain. So we wanted to know: What do patients think about potential changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? More than 2,000 PatientsLikeMe members recently shared their thoughts in the largest patient poll on the 2010 health care law. Previous large-scale polls about the… Continue reading What do PatientsLikeMe members think about the Affordable Care Act?

Meet Christopher – “PTSD is not just soldiers whining and complaining about struggles in life”

Say hello to Christopher (ChrisBC), a father, musician and Purple Heart recipient living with PTSD and bipolar disorder. We recently caught up with him to hear about how PTSD affected his marriage and how his diagnosis pushed him get the help he needed and connect with his feelings. Keep reading to learn how he copes… Continue reading Meet Christopher – “PTSD is not just soldiers whining and complaining about struggles in life”

Meet Lindsay from the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors

  Meet Lindsay (Shyandspicy), a member of the PatientsLikeMe 2016-2017 Team of Advisors living with bipolar II, fibromyalgia and diabetes. We recently caught up with Lindsay to learn how she finds purpose in her relationships with her family, her faith and helping others.  Keep reading to get to know her story and how she tackles… Continue reading Meet Lindsay from the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors