Supplement safety smarts

It’s easy to see the temptation of taking dietary supplements. Getting vitamins, minerals and herbs or other “health foods” in pill form sounds simple. And some of the products’ claims — “Live longer!” or “Have more energy!” — may seem enticing. But even though most supplements don’t require a prescription, it’s best to check with… Continue reading Supplement safety smarts

Defining “good” health care: 2 new studies reveal patient perspectives

Do you feel you’re getting the best possible care from your doctor? In two recent studies, PatientsLikeMe members answered this question and shared their perspectives on the health care they’re receiving. The results show that while patient opinions about care and provider performance vary according to condition, diverse patient groups agree on the top factors that define… Continue reading Defining “good” health care: 2 new studies reveal patient perspectives

Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

Stories showing the importance of second opinions have been popping up in the media and on PatientsLikeMe. Check out the recent news headlines, hear a remarkable story of a PatientsLikeMe member who received a life-saving lung transplant after getting a second (and third) opinion, and share your own experience of piecing together your health puzzle.… Continue reading Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

The OpenNotes movement: Your right to read your doctors’ notes

Have you ever seen your doctor’s clinical notes about you? (We’re not talking about your brief ‘after-visit summary,’ but the detailed notes the doctor or other healthcare provider writes later on.) PatientsLikeMe member Liz (thelizarmy) recently talked with us about OpenNotes, a movement to give patients easy access to their providers’ notes – like her 4,000+… Continue reading The OpenNotes movement: Your right to read your doctors’ notes

PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall

The PatientsLikeMe team has been traveling around the globe recently talking about the power of real-world patient data in changing healthcare.  You may have heard about our executives at industry conferences, government hearings, or even on TV.  Highlights below. Last month, PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood was on Fox Business News talking about how… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall