“The real me” An interview with psoriasis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Maria

Here at PatientsLikeMe, we’re continuing to talk with people who are sharing their health experiences to help raise awareness about their conditions and change medicine for good. For our latest interview, we spoke with Maria who has been living with psoriasis since age 14. Some of you may know her on PatientsLikeMe as pinkdragonrider. She… Continue reading “The real me” An interview with psoriasis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Maria

ALS Patient Interview: Never Give Up

We continue our series this week of getting to you the person, not just the “patient.”  Today’s interview is with “iceberg,” a member of our PatientsLikeMe ALS Community and another 2010 newsletter interviewee.   Read on to learn more about what keeps him motivated, how his condition has affected his work life and how he… Continue reading ALS Patient Interview: Never Give Up

Share On: Parkinson’s Awareness Month and PatientsLikeMe PD Community Anniversary

Did you know this April is both Parkinson’s Awareness Month and the 2-year anniversary of the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community?  We invite you to celebrate with us all month as we share real-world patient insights and experiences of living with this disease…and we ask you to share on! The PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community has come a long… Continue reading Share On: Parkinson’s Awareness Month and PatientsLikeMe PD Community Anniversary