Communicating drug risks/benefits so the message really gets through

Last month, Jim, a member of the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors, was invited by Sally Okun, PatientsLikeMe’s VP Advocacy, Policy & Patient Safety, to present at the Drug Information Association (DIA) Pharmacovigilance Conference. He also led a lunch roundtable for drug risk/benefit communications experts. Sally, who also participated on the roundtable panel, says requests for… Continue reading Communicating drug risks/benefits so the message really gets through

What do PatientsLikeMe members think about the Affordable Care Act?

With a new administration in Washington, the future of “Obamacare” is uncertain. So we wanted to know: What do patients think about potential changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? More than 2,000 PatientsLikeMe members recently shared their thoughts in the largest patient poll on the 2010 health care law. Previous large-scale polls about the… Continue reading What do PatientsLikeMe members think about the Affordable Care Act?

Sally Okun reports back from the FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF

On September 26th I was at the FDA for the Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF. This is one of 20 meetings that the FDA is holding to learn directly from patients and their caregivers about daily life with the specific condition’s symptoms and treatments. (You can learn more about these meetings here.) I have attended… Continue reading Sally Okun reports back from the FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF

Navigating the Healthcare System with Disabilities

Are medical facilities prepared to meet the needs of disabled individuals?  It would seem reasonable to think so, but according to PatientsLikeMe members, that’s not always the case. For example, consider the case of a female patient using a powered wheelchair who doesn’t have the upper body strength to transfer herself out of the chair. … Continue reading Navigating the Healthcare System with Disabilities

Creating Your “A Team” for Health

Today’s guest post is written by PatientsLikeMe Vice President for Advocacy, Policy and Patient Safety Sally Okun, RN, MMHS. Getting health care can often feel like you’re trying to put together a difficult jigsaw puzzle, only to find that some of the pieces are missing. Even under the best circumstances, navigating the health care system is… Continue reading Creating Your “A Team” for Health

$70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

How serious is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) about increasing patient safety?   So serious that they are running a contest challenging the best and brightest developers to create a platform that makes it easier to report a patient safety event electronically. The… Continue reading $70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

PatientsLikeMeOnCall: From Open Data to Actionable Data

Every Friday, PatientsLikeMe holds “Journal Club” in our Boston headquarters with a different guest speaker. Last week we were privileged to hear from Dave Hale, Project Manager for Pillbox, a National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) patient safety initiative. And thanks to PatientsLikeMeOnCall’s new podcast series “It’s Friday – Let’s Journal… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall: From Open Data to Actionable Data

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Patient Safety (Episode 3)

“What are the things that affect a patient’s safety? It’s everything – it’s not just whether the drug is good or bad, it’s the whole process.” –Jamie Heywood Why does the healthcare industry need to shift from drug safety to patient safety? PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder and Chairman Jamie Heywood explains his view in this week’s edition of… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Patient Safety (Episode 3)

Drug Safety: It’s About More Than Just Compliance

Engaging in social media presents a number of uncertainties to pharmaceutical companies. In a world where much of the medical dialog has moved online, these uncertainties have emerged due to absent or unclear guidelines from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), privacy and regulatory concerns about engaging directly with patients, and the potential for significant consequences.… Continue reading Drug Safety: It’s About More Than Just Compliance