“Speak up!” PatientsLikeMe member Dee speaks about her journey with ALS

  There’s been a lot of awareness going on for ALS with the IceBucketChallenge, and to help keep the momentum going, PatientsLikeMe member Dee (redrockmama) shared her personal experiences with the neurological condition. She made the decision to install a feeding tube early in her journey, and now she is managing her weight through overnight… Continue reading “Speak up!” PatientsLikeMe member Dee speaks about her journey with ALS

Results! PatientsLikeMe diabetes members share about challenges and concerns

Earlier this year, more than 450 PatientsLikeMe members from the type 1 and type 2 diabetes communities took part in a new survey from our partners at Kaiser Permanente Colorado’s Institute of Health Research. (Thank you all for adding your voices!) Members shared about everything from the day-to-day challenges of living with diabetes to the… Continue reading Results! PatientsLikeMe diabetes members share about challenges and concerns

“This is a very serious issue” – PatientsLikeMe member Jess shares about her PTSD

Talking about past trauma isn’t easy – so we want to say thank you to Jess right off the bat. She’s a PatientsLikeMe member who suffered a TBI, and she recently talked with us about her experiences. Jess walked us through her accident and her diagnosis and went on to explain that even though you… Continue reading “This is a very serious issue” – PatientsLikeMe member Jess shares about her PTSD

“MS doesn’t define anyone” – PatientsLikeMe member Anna shares about her journey with MS

We’ve had the pleasure of featuring many PatientsLikeMe members on the blog, but never one with a nickname quite like this. Anna is living with MS and we caught up with her to talk about coping, finding support, her motorized scooter and where the name “Mad Anna” comes from. Read below to see what life… Continue reading “MS doesn’t define anyone” – PatientsLikeMe member Anna shares about her journey with MS

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Tam writes about (your) life with MS

If you were living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and someone said to you, “Well I get tired too, but I don’t go lay down in bed all day,” how would you respond? Invisible symptoms like pain and fatigue are hard to describe to someone who doesn’t get it or isn’t living with MS. But to… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Tam writes about (your) life with MS

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Steve writes about his journey with ALS

For those of you who don’t know Steve, you should! For years he worked as a successful landscape architect designing urban public spaces. In 2006, he was overlooking the design of the historic Boston Common when he was diagnosed with ALS. Steve retired from that career path and quickly started another – creating the Steve… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Steve writes about his journey with ALS

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 3

Over the past few months, Eleanor (redblack) has been sharing about her bipolar II on the blog, and today, we’re posting the final part of her series (thank you Eleanor for being so open and taking the time to share with everyone)! Eleanor talks about her relationship with her psychiatrist Jon and how they recently… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 3

If you could share one thing… -Steven’s inspiring answer

PatientsLikeMe ALS member Steven (sheronemus) was diagnosed with ALS back in 2005, and we recently had the chance to ask a few questions about his experiences. Steven spoke about his initial anger and disbelief, the clarity and focus he developed afterwards and how technology helps him participate in many events he didn’t expect to witness.… Continue reading If you could share one thing… -Steven’s inspiring answer

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 2

Back in May, Eleanor (redblack) wrote about her some of her experiences with bipolar II to help spread the word for Mental Health Awareness Month. She’s continuing this month by sharing about the personal support system she’s developed through a wonderful relationship with her husband Jim, her special bond with a particular mood community member… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 2

“Sharing has given me support” – PatientsLikeMe member Debbie opens up about her MS

As PatientsLikeMe member Debbie (chilli123) says, it’s a very private decision whether or not to discuss MS openly. But as you’ll read, she’s doing more than just speaking about her MS – Debbie is spending time with others so they can better understand what life with a chronic condition is like. Debbie also talked about… Continue reading “Sharing has given me support” – PatientsLikeMe member Debbie opens up about her MS