“No oxygen.” PatientsLikeMe member Lori shares about life after surviving idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

It’s crazy to think how fast things can happen. The last time we talked with Lori, she was telling us about life on the lung transplant list and playing what she called “the waiting waltz.” And now – everything has changed. Just two weeks after we posted her third interview on the PatientsLikeMe blog in… Continue reading “No oxygen.” PatientsLikeMe member Lori shares about life after surviving idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Steve writes about his journey with ALS

For those of you who don’t know Steve, you should! For years he worked as a successful landscape architect designing urban public spaces. In 2006, he was overlooking the design of the historic Boston Common when he was diagnosed with ALS. Steve retired from that career path and quickly started another – creating the Steve… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Steve writes about his journey with ALS

The Patient Voice- PF member Bryan shares his story

  Since we announced #dataforgood back in March, many PatientsLikeMe members have been sharing about why they donate their own health experiences. Becca (fibromyalgia) and Ed (Parkinson’s) already shared their stories, and now we’re hearing from Bryan, an idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) member. Check out his video above. Miss Becca or Ed’s? Watch them here.… Continue reading The Patient Voice- PF member Bryan shares his story

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 3

Over the past few months, Eleanor (redblack) has been sharing about her bipolar II on the blog, and today, we’re posting the final part of her series (thank you Eleanor for being so open and taking the time to share with everyone)! Eleanor talks about her relationship with her psychiatrist Jon and how they recently… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 3

If you could share one thing… -Steven’s inspiring answer

PatientsLikeMe ALS member Steven (sheronemus) was diagnosed with ALS back in 2005, and we recently had the chance to ask a few questions about his experiences. Steven spoke about his initial anger and disbelief, the clarity and focus he developed afterwards and how technology helps him participate in many events he didn’t expect to witness.… Continue reading If you could share one thing… -Steven’s inspiring answer

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 2

Back in May, Eleanor (redblack) wrote about her some of her experiences with bipolar II to help spread the word for Mental Health Awareness Month. She’s continuing this month by sharing about the personal support system she’s developed through a wonderful relationship with her husband Jim, her special bond with a particular mood community member… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Eleanor writes about her journey with bipolar II: Part 2

“Sharing has given me support” – PatientsLikeMe member Debbie opens up about her MS

As PatientsLikeMe member Debbie (chilli123) says, it’s a very private decision whether or not to discuss MS openly. But as you’ll read, she’s doing more than just speaking about her MS – Debbie is spending time with others so they can better understand what life with a chronic condition is like. Debbie also talked about… Continue reading “Sharing has given me support” – PatientsLikeMe member Debbie opens up about her MS

“I know that it will pass eventually” – PatientsLikeMe member Jennifer shares about her PTSD

June is National Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, and recently, Jennifer (aka sortaborderline) spoke about her personal experiences with the neurological condition. She talked all about learning to roll with her triggers, leaning on her family and PatientsLikeMe members for support, and recognizing the relationship between her fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and… Continue reading “I know that it will pass eventually” – PatientsLikeMe member Jennifer shares about her PTSD

The Patient Voice- Fibromyalgia member Becca shares her story

  What does sharing about health experiences and donating #dataforgood mean to her? “I’m hoping that my contribution is going to help others who come behind me who have these conditions have an easier time of it.” -Becca If you missed our video interview with Ed, a Parkinson’s disease member, you can catch that here.

“Just saying” – PatientsLikeMe member Shep talks frankly about his MS

The members of the multiple sclerosis (MS) community on PatientsLikeMe are very open when it comes to sharing about their journey, and shep0454 (aka Shep) is no exception. He recently spoke with us about his life with MS, and he pulled no punches when talking about his emotions after being diagnosed, the wonderful people he’s… Continue reading “Just saying” – PatientsLikeMe member Shep talks frankly about his MS