Patients as Partners: Managing High Blood Pressure questionnaire results

In this installment of our Patients as Partners blog series, we’re sharing results from the High Blood Pressure Management, Adherence, Attitudes and Health Behavior Instrument – whew, that’s a mouthful! Doctors and nurses can use the instrument to better understand how people manage high blood pressure at home, and can help everyone learn more about… Continue reading Patients as Partners: Managing High Blood Pressure questionnaire results

Patients as Partners: The Perceived Medical Condition Self-Management Scale questionnaire results

Back at the beginning of April, we launched a new blog series called Patients as Partners that highlights the results and feedback PatientsLikeMe members give to questionnaires on our Open Research Exchange (ORE) platform. This time around, we’re sharing the results of the Perceived Medical Condition Self-Management Scale (PMCSMS), a health measure that looks at… Continue reading Patients as Partners: The Perceived Medical Condition Self-Management Scale questionnaire results

A new collaboration and the work ahead: An interview with PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood

Earlier this week, PatientsLikeMe announced a five-year collaboration with Genentech. Our goal? To bring your experience – the patient experience – to a company that wants to learn more from the people who are living with serious diseases, and to better integrate your insights into their decision-making as they develop new medicines. PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and… Continue reading A new collaboration and the work ahead: An interview with PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood

PatientsLikeMeInMotion 2014: Celebrating 6 years of PatientsLikeMe members giving back to their communities and raising awareness

It seems like it was just yesterday when PatientsLikeMeInMotion was launched, but it’s been going strong for more than 5 years now – wow, how time flies! We’re celebrating the 6th year of PatientsLikeMeInMotion with a recap of 2013, the biggest year so far! We had the honor of supporting 1,611 members across 27 states who… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeInMotion 2014: Celebrating 6 years of PatientsLikeMe members giving back to their communities and raising awareness

Patients as Partners: The WHYSTOP Scale questionnaire results

We’re really excited to launch a new series here on the blog called Patients as Partners. The series will highlight the results and feedback that PatientsLikeMe members give on questionnaires from our Open Research Exchange (ORE) platform. What’s ORE all about again? PatientsLikeMe’s ORE platform gives patients the chance to not only check an answer… Continue reading Patients as Partners: The WHYSTOP Scale questionnaire results

Stand up and be counted during National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month

  Here at PatientsLikeMe, every experience counts, whether you’ve just been diagnosed, are trying a new treatment, or managing your symptoms. This month, we’re standing up and focusing on Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a neurological condition that affects 2,500,000 people around the globe—including more than 400,000 in the United States.1 To help raise awareness about MS,… Continue reading Stand up and be counted during National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month

Subjects no more: what happens when trial participants realize they hold the power in clinical trials?

When I first became involved with online communities back in 2002, I moderated a small forum for patients with ALS/MND in the UK at King’s College Hospital to connect with one another, share tips and support, and to help our care center to serve them better. One area that remains controversial even to this day… Continue reading Subjects no more: what happens when trial participants realize they hold the power in clinical trials?

Living with hope – An interview on AKU with Alycia and Nate

We’ve had the pleasure of talking with and featuring many PatientsLikeMe members on the blog over the years, but Nate is the youngest by far. He’s just 5 years old and is living with Alkaptonuria (AKU), a rare metabolic disease, sometimes called Black Bone Disease. Recently, we had the chance to chat with his mom,… Continue reading Living with hope – An interview on AKU with Alycia and Nate

Putting patients first: An interview with partners CoPatient and PatientsLikeMe

                What’s this partnership all about? Michael- Every day on PatientsLikeMe, our members are sharing their real-world experiences. They’re getting real support from people just like them, people who get what it’s like to have their condition and be on that journey. In the forums, they chat about… Continue reading Putting patients first: An interview with partners CoPatient and PatientsLikeMe

PatientsLikeMe in real life: reporting back from the PFF Summit

Dave, Rishi, and I spent a few days last month in sunny La Jolla, California – site of the biennial PFF Summit. Well, La Jolla is usually sunny… this year it was unseasonably cold and rainy! Nevertheless, not even the nasty weather could dampen the enthusiasm of more than 500 clinicians, researchers and (most importantly!)… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe in real life: reporting back from the PFF Summit