Are we really more likely to cry when watching movies on planes? New study de-mystifies the urban legend

The Oscars have been awarded and spring travel is in full swing, which got us thinking about the urban legend that you’re more likely to cry watching a movie on a plane than on the ground. Is it just a myth or is there more to it? While celebrities, polls and pop culture have covered the phenomenon… Continue reading Are we really more likely to cry when watching movies on planes? New study de-mystifies the urban legend

Defining “good” health care: 2 new studies reveal patient perspectives

Do you feel you’re getting the best possible care from your doctor? In two recent studies, PatientsLikeMe members answered this question and shared their perspectives on the health care they’re receiving. The results show that while patient opinions about care and provider performance vary according to condition, diverse patient groups agree on the top factors that define… Continue reading Defining “good” health care: 2 new studies reveal patient perspectives

PatientsLikeMe Researchers Score a Hat Trick

The term “hat trick” originated in 1858 after English cricketer HH Stephenson successfully bowled out three batsmen with consecutive bowls and he was presented with a hat to commemorate his feat. In June, PatientsLikeMe’s research team scored a hat trick of our own by publishing three new studies in scientific journals in just four days,… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Researchers Score a Hat Trick