Aligning Interests: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part VII – Business Development)

2010 was a strong year for business development at PatientsLikeMe.  Our goal was – and continues to be – to align patients’ needs with industry interests in order to maximize interaction between the two.  Here are a few of our successes and challenges over the year. Successes 1.  New Partnerships, New Communities In the first… Continue reading Aligning Interests: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part VII – Business Development)

Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications

One of the ways we can better understand whether you, as patients, are having a positive or negative treatment experience is to “listen” to the conversation you’re having in our forum.  By understanding whether you are having a positive, negative, or neutral experience with a particular treatment you are taking or are considering taking, we… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications

PatientsLikeMe at Health 2.0: Paths to Insight

Last month, I spoke once again at the Health 2.0 conference in San Francisco.  The video of my presentation is now online.  Here’s a snapshot of what I covered in the 6-minute talk: The wealth of data shared in a PatientsLikeMe treatment reports (e.g., what fibromyalgia patients are sharing about Cymbalta and Lyrica) A suite… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at Health 2.0: Paths to Insight

Transparency, Openness and Privacy

The following message was sent this morning to all members of PatientsLikeMe.  Please read what we have to say about openness, sharing and its privacy implications and join the conversation. **** Dear PatientsLikeMe Members, What are the privacy implications of sharing in this open, online community?  We talk a lot about this and, as a… Continue reading Transparency, Openness and Privacy

PatientsLikeMe Report: MS Patients Still Positive for Tysabri Following July Announcement of PML Cases

PatientsLikeMe recently released a new PatientsLikeMeListen™ report: “Did the July 2008 PML announcement affect the Tysabri brand?” Among our findings, the report reveals that MS patients retained an overall positive perception of the Tysabri brand despite the July 2008 announcement of two additional PML cases. When we originally covered this topic back in August,  the… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Report: MS Patients Still Positive for Tysabri Following July Announcement of PML Cases