Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

The research team is very proud of how our team has grown in 2010 and the impact we’ve made in the academic community.  In 2010 alone, PatientsLikeMe and our work were mentioned in scientific literature more than 133 times.  All of this is because of what you share with us. Yesterday, we highlighted some of… Continue reading Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part II – R&D)

The PatientsLikeMe research and development (R&D) team is excited about what we can all share and learn in 2011.  Here’s a look back at some of what patients like you shared with us, and what we then shared with the world, in 2010. The R&D team published and presented some unprecedented insights based on what… Continue reading Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part II – R&D)

PatientsLikeMe at the American Epilepsy Society Meeting 2010

Earlier this month, PatientsLikeMe was fortunate enough to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in San Antonio, Texas. We were there to spread the word about PatientsLikeMe to some 4,000 attendees including epileptologists (physicians specializing in the treatment of epilepsy), neurologists, nurses, and researchers. We had a great spot on the… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the American Epilepsy Society Meeting 2010

The Patient Rules. A Discussion with the PatientsLikeMe Executives

We recently sat down with our executive team here at PatientsLikeMe in our first-ever roundtable-format podcast.  In this PatientsLikeMeOnCallTM interview, we ask Co-founders Ben and Jamie Heywood, Chief Marketing Officer David S. Williams III, and R&D Director Paul Wicks PhD to discuss why our recent series themes are so important to the history and future… Continue reading The Patient Rules. A Discussion with the PatientsLikeMe Executives

“To Measure Is To Know”

Always check primary sources…. This was the title of a brief message sent to me from Paul Wicks, our head of research here at PatientsLikeMe.  He was referring to a quote I have used as my email signature for the last few years; he had discovered I had wrongly attributed it to Archimedes. “To measure… Continue reading “To Measure Is To Know”

Personalized Medicine: Making It All About You

Earlier this year, the University of Arizona hosted a unique meeting for scientists, policy makers, and law experts to explore the legal, ethical, and policy implications of personalized medicine. The opening keynote was by Dr. Lee Hartwell, 2001 Nobel Prize recipient in Medicine / Physiology and Director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and… Continue reading Personalized Medicine: Making It All About You

Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure

Our research team here at PatientsLikeMe carries out world-class research in collaboration with academic centers, commercial partners (see “how we make money“), and to help answer questions from our patients. We share our findings with the world through this blog, peer-reviewed publications, and by attending academic conferences like the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)… Continue reading Multiple Sclerosis: Sustaining Care, Seeking a Cure

ALS Awareness 2010: A Four Year Journey With Our PALS

Four years ago this Spring, PatientsLikeMe launched the ALS community with very specific goals in mind – to help patients like you take control of your disease, share and learn from one another, have a voice in real-world research and inform the companies that make your drugs and can improve your care.  Together, we have… Continue reading ALS Awareness 2010: A Four Year Journey With Our PALS

PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall

The PatientsLikeMe team has been traveling around the globe recently talking about the power of real-world patient data in changing healthcare.  You may have heard about our executives at industry conferences, government hearings, or even on TV.  Highlights below. Last month, PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood was on Fox Business News talking about how… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall

Manage your epilepsy like a PRO

Ever wonder how epilepsy affects the patient — the whole patient? A patient-reported outcome (PRO) is a questionnaire commonly used in the clinical world to asses a patient’s quality of life (QOL) for research studies. Most of the time patients never get to see their test results, much less see them plotted over time. That’s… Continue reading Manage your epilepsy like a PRO