Raising awareness for peripheral neuropathy, one picture at a time

Neuropathy Awareness Week is May 13th-17th and The Neuropathy Association has dedicated a page of its website to those who are getting involved. You’ll find images of people who are helping raise awareness at events all over the country. They’ve also created a list of upcoming events including a walk-a-thon and live Facebook chat. Close… Continue reading Raising awareness for peripheral neuropathy, one picture at a time

Share your experiences with Stresam

Stresam is an international brand of etifoxine, a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and anticonvulsant drug.  It is used to treat anxiety disorders – such as general anxiety disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder or panic disorder – and to promote peripheral nerve healing in patients with peripheral neuropathy. At PatientsLikeMe, where more than 120,000 patients are… Continue reading Share your experiences with Stresam

PatientsLikeMe Facing World AIDS Day 2009

Every December 1st, we join hands with the HIV community at large in recognition of World AIDS Day. The theme of World AIDS Day this year is leadership — a fitting theme for the 2500+ patients who are leading the way through openness in the PatientsLikeMe HIV community.  These leaders have chosen to share their… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Facing World AIDS Day 2009