2014 recap – part II

2014 was full of new partnerships, research initiatives and PatientsLikeMe milestones (we just celebrated our 10th anniversary last week!), and in 2015 we’ll continue to put the patient first in everything we do. At PatientsLikeMe Everything we do starts with the community that shares their health data and experiences, which enables innovation and change in… Continue reading 2014 recap – part II

PatientsLikeMe in real life: reporting back from the PFF Summit

Dave, Rishi, and I spent a few days last month in sunny La Jolla, California – site of the biennial PFF Summit. Well, La Jolla is usually sunny… this year it was unseasonably cold and rainy! Nevertheless, not even the nasty weather could dampen the enthusiasm of more than 500 clinicians, researchers and (most importantly!)… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe in real life: reporting back from the PFF Summit