The Magic Pill: A new 21-day podcast challenge

Exercise — do you think of it as a chore, or love the feeling? Our partners over at WBUR are launching a new podcast to inspire people to move more by changing the way we think about it. “A daily dose of get-up-and-go” is the mantra of the The Magic Pill, a 21-day challenge that kicks off… Continue reading The Magic Pill: A new 21-day podcast challenge

Nola’s new bathroom

It’s rare that we’re surprised by the power of connection in the PatientsLikeMe community—we see members connect everyday and transform their lives through the exchange of information. This story extends beyond shared knowledge, though; it displays the powerful bonds of internet friends who offered truly life-changing support from opposite coasts. Below, listen to them tell… Continue reading Nola’s new bathroom

Hypertension on the Open Research Exchange- A talk with pilot researcher Tamara Kear, PhD., R.N., CNS, CNN

We’ve been talking about the new PatientsLikeMe Open Research Exchange on the blog over the past few weeks, and today, we’d like to introduce another one of the pilot researchers. In case you haven’t heard, our researcher partners will be using ORE to pilot, deploy, share and validate new ways to measure diseases. And PatientsLikeMe… Continue reading Hypertension on the Open Research Exchange- A talk with pilot researcher Tamara Kear, PhD., R.N., CNS, CNN

The Open Research Exchange- A talk with pilot researcher William Polonsky, Ph.D., CDE

You’ve probably seen some recent posts about PatientsLikeMe’s new Open Research Exchange. Medical researchers will be using our ORE website to pilot, deploy, share and validate new ways to measure diseases. And PatientsLikeMe members will have an opportunity to give feedback on their work, putting them – the patients – at the center of new medical… Continue reading The Open Research Exchange- A talk with pilot researcher William Polonsky, Ph.D., CDE

$70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

How serious is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) about increasing patient safety?   So serious that they are running a contest challenging the best and brightest developers to create a platform that makes it easier to report a patient safety event electronically. The… Continue reading $70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

PatientsLikeMeOnCall: How Genetics Bears on Your Condition

Welcome to the fourth installment of our new PatientsLikeMeOnCall podcast series entitled “It’s Friday – Let’s Journal Club.” This week’s interview is with PatientsLikeMe’s own Catherine Brownstein, PhD, MPH, who recently won a highly competitive award from the International Congress of Human Genetics (ICHG). One of our in-house Research Scientists, Dr. Brownstein captivated PatientsLikeMe headquarters… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall: How Genetics Bears on Your Condition

PatientsLikeMeOnCall: Living with Type 1 Diabetes

Welcome to the third installment of our new weekly podcast series called “It’s Friday – Let’s Journal Club.” This week’s guest interview is with Sarah Taylor, a type 1 diabetes patient, registered nurse (RN) and friend of the company. Sarah stopped by PatientsLikeMe headquarters last Friday to talk about being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall: Living with Type 1 Diabetes

PatientsLikeMeOnCall: Tapping into a Treasure Trove of Information

Last Friday we kicked off our new weekly podcast series called “It’s Friday – Let’s Journal Club.” Thanks to everyone who tuned in. This week’s guest interview is with Dr. Kevin Dykstra, PhD, who is President and CEO of qPharmetra, a pharmacometric consulting company. Dr. Dykstra stopped by PatientsLikeMe headquarters to talk to our team… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall: Tapping into a Treasure Trove of Information

BBK and PatientsLikeMe: Combining Strengths to Help Patients Everywhere

Recently, PatientsLikeMe Chief Marketing Officer David S. Williams III had the opportunity to participate in a podcast interview with the industry magazine PharmaVOICE. Along with Bonnie Brescia, a Founding Principal of BBK Worldwide, he fielded questions about how the new alliance between our two companies can both enhance and expedite the clinical trial recruitment process.… Continue reading BBK and PatientsLikeMe: Combining Strengths to Help Patients Everywhere

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)

“I think we can see there are a lot of ways where openness can be powerful.  What’s necessary is to help facilitate openness and reduce the barriers to sharing medical information.” – Ben Heywood PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder Ben Heywood has blogged previously about openness and sharing – and how important they are for patients. In this… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)