Series Premiere of “The Patient Voice” – Meet Pokie Too!

“This represents my family, we share everything together.” – PokieToo, PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s Community “The Patient Voice” is here!  Are you ready to listen in?  Today is the official premiere of our new PatientsLikeMeOnCallTM podcast, “The Patient Voice.”  Our first guest is Parkinson’s community member, PokieToo. Pokie is the founder and creator of the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s… Continue reading Series Premiere of “The Patient Voice” – Meet Pokie Too!

New Podcast Series: “The Patient Voice” Premieres This Thursday

On Thursday October 7, 2010, the PatientsLikeMeOnCall TM podcast is proud to present a new series called “The Patient Voice.”  Through these podcasts, you’ll hear emotional and inspiring stories from our community members that demonstrate the type of sharing and positive connections being made by patients on our site and how these connections are affecting… Continue reading New Podcast Series: “The Patient Voice” Premieres This Thursday

PatientsLikeMeInMotion at 2010 Parkinson’s Unity Walk

Last weekend, we headed to New York City in great anticipation of the 2010 Parkinson’s Unity Walk held each year in Central Park.  We were excited once again to meet members of Team PatientsLikeMe, a group of patients who travel from across the country to meet one another and work tirelessly to raise money each… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeInMotion at 2010 Parkinson’s Unity Walk

Parkinson’s Disease: Real-World Data, Real-World Experiences

It’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month. As we continue to spread the word about this condition, we wanted to tell you a little bit more about our PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s community. Launched two years ago this month, the community has steadily grown to include more than 3,400 patients. Below are some interesting facts about the community, as well… Continue reading Parkinson’s Disease: Real-World Data, Real-World Experiences