We the Patients: New PatientsLikeMe poll finds a unified voice on a U.S. health care plan

Repeal? Replace? Revise? While politicians have spent months debating the details of a U.S. health care plan, a recent poll of 2,755 PatientsLikeMe members has found that patients are largely aligned about components of a strong plan for the country.   “Despite the partisan divide in Congress about what should be included in a health… Continue reading We the Patients: New PatientsLikeMe poll finds a unified voice on a U.S. health care plan

Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA

Have you had chance to check out that poll where 2,000+ PatientsLikeMe members shared their views on the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”)? It was the largest patient poll on potential changes to the health care law, and several media outlets are now listening up. A recent CNBC article called “The human side of the Obamacare debate”… Continue reading Loud and clear: The patient voice on the ACA

Throwback Thursday: Are you sleeping?

It’s time for another Throwback Thursday, and today, we’re rewinding back to the summer of 2013, when the staff at PatientsLikeMe shared about how they sleep. Sixty one employees helped kick off the “Are you sleeping?” campaign in a quick poll, answering questions about how long and how well they sleep each night. Check out… Continue reading Throwback Thursday: Are you sleeping?