Taking action for lupus awareness in May

If you think you look good in purple, you’re in luck – today is Put on Purple Day, sponsored by the Lupus Foundation of America. As part of the greater Lupus Awareness (Action!) Month in May, today is your chance to make lupus visible and learn about the effects of this chronic inflammatory condition. Lupus… Continue reading Taking action for lupus awareness in May

A new collaboration and the work ahead: An interview with PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood

Earlier this week, PatientsLikeMe announced a five-year collaboration with Genentech. Our goal? To bring your experience – the patient experience – to a company that wants to learn more from the people who are living with serious diseases, and to better integrate your insights into their decision-making as they develop new medicines. PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and… Continue reading A new collaboration and the work ahead: An interview with PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood