Raise Your Hands for Rare Disease Day

Today, February 28th, is Rare Disease Day, a worldwide event showing solidarity with rare disease patients and their families around the globe.  The theme for this year is “Raise and Join Your Hands,” and everyone is being asked to participate, whether you’re an individual, an office with 10 people or a public gathering with 1,000… Continue reading Raise Your Hands for Rare Disease Day

Recognizing the Rare Disease Community’s Champions of Hope

Did you know that 1 in 10 people worldwide have rare and genetic conditions? PatientsLikeMe was a proud sponsor of the 1st Annual Tribute to Champions of Hope, organized by our partner the Global Genes / RARE Project. Held on September 27th in Newport Beach, CA, the gala recognized outstanding individuals who are working to affect… Continue reading Recognizing the Rare Disease Community’s Champions of Hope