PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall

The PatientsLikeMe team has been traveling around the globe recently talking about the power of real-world patient data in changing healthcare.  You may have heard about our executives at industry conferences, government hearings, or even on TV.  Highlights below. Last month, PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood was on Fox Business News talking about how… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week: Interview with Gardener

It’s National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Week.  There are more than 17,400 patients in the PatientsLikeMe MS community sharing data about their symptoms, treatments and side effects, lifestyle modifications and overall health outcomes. In honor of the week, and March being National MS Awareness Month, we will be posting interviews with MS patients and nonprofit… Continue reading Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week: Interview with Gardener