Study results: What patients like you said about sleep medications

Over a year ago, we partnered up with Merck Pharmaceuticals to learn more about insomnia and sleep medications. More than 1,200 PatientsLikeMe members responded to questions about how long they’ve had sleep problems, what treatments they’re using, what interferes with sleep most and what their overall quality of sleep is like. Here’s what we uncovered… Continue reading Study results: What patients like you said about sleep medications

Update and results – the Patient Voice Analysis study

About a year ago, the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s disease (PD) community started something totally different: a study to compare the sound of their voices to their self-reported PD Rating Scale (PDRS) on PatientsLikeMe. It’s called the Patient Voice Analysis (PVA), and we teamed up with you, Max Little, Ph.D. and Sage Bionetworks to get it done.… Continue reading Update and results – the Patient Voice Analysis study

Patients as Partners: Hallucinations and Parkinson’s disease questionnaire results

It’s time for another Patients as Partners post, and today, we’re happy to share the results of the Hallucinations and Parkinson’s disease questionnaire. In March 2014, more than 500 PatientsLikeMe members living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) took part in an Open Research Exchange (ORE) questionnaire about their condition. They worked with Dennis Chan and Ruth… Continue reading Patients as Partners: Hallucinations and Parkinson’s disease questionnaire results

Results! PatientsLikeMe diabetes members share about challenges and concerns

Earlier this year, more than 450 PatientsLikeMe members from the type 1 and type 2 diabetes communities took part in a new survey from our partners at Kaiser Permanente Colorado’s Institute of Health Research. (Thank you all for adding your voices!) Members shared about everything from the day-to-day challenges of living with diabetes to the… Continue reading Results! PatientsLikeMe diabetes members share about challenges and concerns

Patients as Partners: Managing High Blood Pressure questionnaire results

In this installment of our Patients as Partners blog series, we’re sharing results from the High Blood Pressure Management, Adherence, Attitudes and Health Behavior Instrument – whew, that’s a mouthful! Doctors and nurses can use the instrument to better understand how people manage high blood pressure at home, and can help everyone learn more about… Continue reading Patients as Partners: Managing High Blood Pressure questionnaire results

Uncovering psoriasis with patients like you

This is it, the last report in our 5-part series of seasonal surveys focused on uncovering the experiences our psoriasis members. Like the seasons before it, this summer more than 300 psoriasis community members added their voices to research to help everyone understand what it’s like to live with the condition. Thanks to everyone who… Continue reading Uncovering psoriasis with patients like you