We the Patients: New PatientsLikeMe poll finds a unified voice on a U.S. health care plan

Repeal? Replace? Revise? While politicians have spent months debating the details of a U.S. health care plan, a recent poll of 2,755 PatientsLikeMe members has found that patients are largely aligned about components of a strong plan for the country.   “Despite the partisan divide in Congress about what should be included in a health… Continue reading We the Patients: New PatientsLikeMe poll finds a unified voice on a U.S. health care plan

What’s your experience with accessing your electronic medical records?

Hi everyone! I’m Sally Okun, Vice President for Advocacy, Policy and Patient Safety at PatientsLikeMe. Most of you probably already know me, but just in case you don’t, I really focus on bringing the patient voice to affect better treatment, services and care, and to be sure that the needs of patients are at the… Continue reading What’s your experience with accessing your electronic medical records?

Getting “Patients Included” right Part II: Planning a patient-centric event

You may remember Part I of this blog that focused on the experiences of two PatientsLikeMe members who attended the Kidney Health Initiative’s (KHI) workshop, “Understanding patients’ preferences: Stimulating medical device development in kidney disease,” back in August. KHI is a partnership between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Society of… Continue reading Getting “Patients Included” right Part II: Planning a patient-centric event

Getting “Patients Included” right Part I: Two members attend a Kidney Health Initiative workshop

Back in August, the Kidney Health Initiative (KHI), a partnership between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), held a workshop called “Understanding patients’ preferences: Stimulating medical device development in kidney disease.” But this was more than a workshop – it was an event centered around the idea… Continue reading Getting “Patients Included” right Part I: Two members attend a Kidney Health Initiative workshop

Sally Okun explains the new research collaboration with the FDA

Yesterday, we announced a new research collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that will explore how patient-reported data can lead to new insights about drug safety. It’s the first time the FDA will analyze patient-generated data for pharmacovigilence (aka drug safety). But we’re no strangers to drug safety. Check out some of… Continue reading Sally Okun explains the new research collaboration with the FDA

2014 recap – part II

2014 was full of new partnerships, research initiatives and PatientsLikeMe milestones (we just celebrated our 10th anniversary last week!), and in 2015 we’ll continue to put the patient first in everything we do. At PatientsLikeMe Everything we do starts with the community that shares their health data and experiences, which enables innovation and change in… Continue reading 2014 recap – part II

“We are many” – PatientsLikeMe member Laura reports back on her experiences as a panelist at the FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF

Just yesterday, you saw our very own Sally Okun RN, Vice President of Advocacy, Policy and Patient Safety, reported back about her experiences at the FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF. And today, we wanted to share the patient experience. For each public meeting, the FDA invites patients and caregivers to apply to… Continue reading “We are many” – PatientsLikeMe member Laura reports back on her experiences as a panelist at the FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF

Sally Okun reports back from the FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF

On September 26th I was at the FDA for the Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF. This is one of 20 meetings that the FDA is holding to learn directly from patients and their caregivers about daily life with the specific condition’s symptoms and treatments. (You can learn more about these meetings here.) I have attended… Continue reading Sally Okun reports back from the FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Public Meeting on IPF

As 2013 winds down… Part II

When we kicked off 2013 back in January, we shared that what inspires everyone at PatientsLikeMe to live better is YOU. We also renewed our promise to continue putting patients first, and a couple days ago we posted on the blog about just some of  the ways the community has continued to change healthcare for good… Continue reading As 2013 winds down… Part II

“Does anyone in healthcare want to be understood?” Sally Okun from PatientsLikeMe at TEDMED2013

It’s no secret that here at PatientsLikeMe, we think that the voice of the patient — your voice — is the number one way to drive medical advancements. At TEDMED 2013, our very own Sally Okun shared that message on one of the world’s largest stages. She asked the audience a very simple question. “Does… Continue reading “Does anyone in healthcare want to be understood?” Sally Okun from PatientsLikeMe at TEDMED2013