Living with a mental health condition? See these helpful pointers for your next job interview

Unsure of how to navigate that job interview? You’re not alone. Members have exchanged their experiences and strategies here on PatientsLikeMe — from worrying about how to control nervous twitches to advice about not oversharing. Read on for more info about what you need to disclose to your potential employer, and hear how other members get through… Continue reading Living with a mental health condition? See these helpful pointers for your next job interview

Transparency, Openness and Privacy

The following message was sent this morning to all members of PatientsLikeMe.  Please read what we have to say about openness, sharing and its privacy implications and join the conversation. **** Dear PatientsLikeMe Members, What are the privacy implications of sharing in this open, online community?  We talk a lot about this and, as a… Continue reading Transparency, Openness and Privacy