Spotlighted Blogger: Parkinson’s Patient Steve Ploussard of “Attitude & Fitness Wins”

Last week we kicked off a new blog series featuring patient bloggers, and today, we’re pleased to present our second installment.  Please meet Steve Ploussard, a longtime PatientsLikeMe member who writes a blog about living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) called “Attitude & Fitness Wins.”  Steve decided that blogging was the perfect way to “come out”… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Parkinson’s Patient Steve Ploussard of “Attitude & Fitness Wins”

Spotlighted Blogger: Bipolar patient Andrea of “Lithium and Lamictal”

How do we know we’re truly living in a Health 2.0 age?  Recently, we’ve discovered that a number of PatientsLikeMe members have fascinating blogs chronicling what it’s like to live with their respective health conditions. For example, we told you in August about the acclaimed gastroparesis blog “My Broken Stomach,” written by one of our… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Bipolar patient Andrea of “Lithium and Lamictal”

Get “Seizure Smart” for Epilepsy Awareness Month

What does it mean to be “seizure smart”?  It means being knowledgeable about how to help in the event that someone has a seizure in your presence.  Given that one in 100 Americans has epilepsy – and one in 10 adults will have a seizure sometime during their life – this type of basic seizure… Continue reading Get “Seizure Smart” for Epilepsy Awareness Month


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PatientsLikeMe Continues Report Series on Real-World Patient Experiences with Multiple Sclerosis Medications CAMBRIDGE, MA – November 3, 2011 – In the second report of a series on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disease modifying therapies (DMTs), PatientsLikeMe reveals that MS patients perceive Copaxone as having comparable efficacy and tolerability profiles to the interferon therapies… Continue reading MS PATIENTS PERCEIVE COPAXONE EFFICACY AND TOLERABILITY AS COMPARABLE TO REBIF AND AVONEX


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TWO OUT OF THREE PATIENTS REPORT DISCONTINUING TYSABRI WITHOUT DOCTORS’ ADVICE PatientsLikeMe Releases First in Series of Reports on Real-World Patient Experiences with Top Multiple Sclerosis Drugs CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — September 22, 2011 — In the first report of a series on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disease modifying therapies(DMTs), PatientsLikeMe reveals that nearly two-thirds (64%)… Continue reading TWO OUT OF THREE PATIENTS REPORT DISCONTINUING TYSABRI WITHOUT DOCTORS’ ADVICE

Janumet Side Effects: What patients say.

Janumet 50 1000 (see details) is the brand name (and dosage level) of sitagliptin-metformin, a combination prescription drug used in the management of type 2 diabetes.  (50 refers to 50 mg of sitagliptin while 1000 refers to 1000 mg of metformin.)  In addition to diet and exercise, Janumet 50 1000 is prescribed when the use… Continue reading Janumet Side Effects: What patients say.

What’s Your Experience with Cinarizina?

Cinarizina is an international brand of the prescription drug Cinnarizine, an antiemetic (anti-nausea) agent used for symptoms of inner ear disorders.  These symptoms may include vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting. Cinarizina is also used to prevent motion sickness when taken in advance. If you’ve tried Cinarizina, we encourage you share your experiences at… Continue reading What’s Your Experience with Cinarizina?

Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability

Is InflammaCORE helpful in reducing a chronic inflammatory burden?  Can it alleviate bowel irritability?  Find out just that by sharing your experiences with other patients at PatientsLikeMe and learning what they have to say about this nutritional supplement. A protein powder drink mix, InflammaCORE is marketed as a potent way to support your gastrointestinal, cardiovascular… Continue reading Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability

Share Your Experiences with Euphytose

Available without a prescription in France, Euphytose is an herbal treatment for anxiety and depression that contains six plant extracts:  Hawthorn, Passionflower, Valerian, Ballota foetida, Cola nitida and Guarana (Paullinia cupana).  The latter is available in France as an over-the-counter anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) agent. Producing both sedative and stimulant effects, Euphytose combines traditional herbal remedies for… Continue reading Share Your Experiences with Euphytose

How Would You Evaluate Your Experience with Myrin P-Forte?

Myrin P-Forte is an anti-tuberculosis agent that contains ethambutol, rifampicin, isoniasad and pyrazinamide. An anti-mycobacterial treatment, ethambutol eliminates certain bacteria that cause tuberculosis and is used in combination with other drugs to treat tuberculosis and prevent transmission to others. At PatientsLikeMe, where more than 120,000 patients are sharing their experiences with conditions, symptoms, treatments and… Continue reading How Would You Evaluate Your Experience with Myrin P-Forte?