Have you seen it yet?

We’re happy to unveil a new look and style for our website! Yesterday morning, patientslikeme.com got a makeover, and if you’ve got 60 seconds to spare, you can explore the new look with this tour. Kim Goodwin, our Vice President of User Experience, has also blogged about what’s changing and why – check it out.… Continue reading Have you seen it yet?

We’ve got a new look!

You probably already noticed, but the PatientsLikeMe blog just got a facelift. It’s all part of our ongoing effort to create a better site experience, and the feedback we’re getting from members is guiding us every step of the way. Check out all the upcoming site upgrades in Kim Goodwin’s post. Like she says, “nearly… Continue reading We’ve got a new look!

More than a pretty face

You’ll soon see some changes to the way PatientsLikeMe looks, including new icons, colors and fonts. This might look like we’re just redecorating, but these changes are fundamental to helping us make the bigger improvements you’ve been asking for. We’re still putting a bit of polish on it, but here’s an overview of what’s changing,… Continue reading More than a pretty face