How to Get Better Sleep When Living with Fibromyalgia 

Sleep and fibromyalgia can be challenging . One of the most elusive aspects of daily life for those with this chronic condition is getting a good night’s sleep. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. This makes it crucial for individuals to explore strategies that promote better rest quality. Fibromyalgia is a… Continue reading How to Get Better Sleep When Living with Fibromyalgia 

Talking medication and sleep for National Sleep Awareness Week

Did you know this week is National Sleep Awareness Week? Sleep disorders affect around 50-70 million US adults, and troubled sleep is common within the patient community – just take a look at the results from a patient poll we did with you in 2015. There are many reasons someone might be struggling with a… Continue reading Talking medication and sleep for National Sleep Awareness Week

Study results: What patients like you said about sleep medications

Over a year ago, we partnered up with Merck Pharmaceuticals to learn more about insomnia and sleep medications. More than 1,200 PatientsLikeMe members responded to questions about how long they’ve had sleep problems, what treatments they’re using, what interferes with sleep most and what their overall quality of sleep is like. Here’s what we uncovered… Continue reading Study results: What patients like you said about sleep medications

Stress and sleep- PatientsLikeMe co-founder Jamie Heywood’s interview on the TEDMED blog

Our co-founder Jamie Heywood was just interviewed for the TEDMED blog. Check it out! He talks more about the recent PatientsLikeMe sleep survey and some new results that show how stress can impact our sleeping habits.       Here’s what’s posted up on the TEDMED blog… A new survey suggests patients’ sleep problems often… Continue reading Stress and sleep- PatientsLikeMe co-founder Jamie Heywood’s interview on the TEDMED blog

Bad night’s sleep is norm for people with health conditions, according to PatientsLikeMe survey

Majority of Members Have Chronic Sleep Problems That Point to Insomnia, But They Aren’t Diagnosed With The Condition   CAMBRIDGE, Mass.— September 23, 2013—Results from a new survey of 5,256 PatientsLikeMe members around the world reveal nearly one-third of respondents—people who live day to day with life-changing conditions—never (5%) or rarely (25%) get a good… Continue reading Bad night’s sleep is norm for people with health conditions, according to PatientsLikeMe survey

The “Are You Sleeping?” campaign kick off. How the PatientsLikeMe Team sleeps

Sleep and its impact on our lives is one of the hottest topics on PatientsLikeMe. It’s one reason why, over the next several months, PatientsLikeMe is going to be taking a deeper look at your sleep experiences and how they affect your overall health. So, we want to know – Are you sleeping? Keep an eye… Continue reading The “Are You Sleeping?” campaign kick off. How the PatientsLikeMe Team sleeps