The Theory of Everything

Between the Ice Bucket Challenge and movies like “You’re Not You” (about a classical pianist who is diagnosed with ALS), there has been a ton of awareness going on for ALS, with many efforts focused on the personal stories of people living with the neurological condition. And this month, ALS is being spotlighted again in… Continue reading The Theory of Everything

You’re Not You

There’s a greater sense of awareness around ALS lately. The IceBucketChallenge really shined a spotlight on a condition that many have heard of, but maybe not that many really understand. (If you missed it, see everyone here at PatientsLikeMe taking on the challenge, and what Steve, an ALS community member, thinks about it. So it… Continue reading You’re Not You

Jamie delivers keynote presentation at DIA 2014

Our co-founder, Jamie Heywood, recently traveled to San Diego to receive the Drug Information Association’s (DIA) 2014 President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in World Health. With the award in his hand and speaking to everyone who was attending the event, he accepted it on behalf of the quarter million PatientsLikeMe members (this is for all… Continue reading Jamie delivers keynote presentation at DIA 2014

Raising awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

May is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Awareness Month. As many out there know, PatientsLikeMe was inspired by the life experiences of Stephen Heywood, who was diagnosed with this serious neurological disease back in 1998. Stephen’s brothers (Ben and Jamie) made many attempts to slow the progression of his condition, but their trial-and-error approach just wasn’t… Continue reading Raising awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

PatientsLikeMe at the 2nd Annual White Coat Affair for ALS TDI

On Friday, November 2nd, several PatientsLikeMe team members donned their finest to attend the 2nd Annual White Coat Affair, a charity gala benefiting the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI).  Founded by PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder and Chairman Jamie Heywood in 1999, ALS TDI is the world’s most advanced research laboratory dedicated to ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the 2nd Annual White Coat Affair for ALS TDI

A Little More About Us: A Look Back at the Founding of PatientsLikeMe

“I got this call from my brother Stephen, and he said the news doesn’t look good. At that point, he’d been through enough processes to know what that meant – he had ALS. So I began this journey with my brother and my family…. We were thinking there had to be a way to make… Continue reading A Little More About Us: A Look Back at the Founding of PatientsLikeMe

Raise Your Awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)

May is ALS Awareness Month. To help spread the word about this progressive neurodegenerative condition, which affects approximately five out of every 100,000 people worldwide, we wanted to tell you a little bit about our patients with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Due to our founders’ personal experience with this disease, ALS was the very first… Continue reading Raise Your Awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)