Confessions of a research study addict: “It’s powerful to use a devastating diagnosis for good.”

Elizabeth is a member of the 2018 Team of Advisors living with MS and a self-described research addict. Here’s what she had to say about her experience contributing to research and why “it’s powerful to use a devastating diagnosis for good.” I’ve always been a sucker for a focus group. Give me some free pizza… Continue reading Confessions of a research study addict: “It’s powerful to use a devastating diagnosis for good.”

Why Should I Participate in a Clinical Trial?

“Before me, there were hundreds and thousands of other people with Parkinson’s who participated in clinical trials that gave me the ability to have the medications that I take today. If people today do not participate in clinical trials, there will be no cure. There will be no new medications.” – Parkinson’s patient Jean Last… Continue reading Why Should I Participate in a Clinical Trial?