Advance directives: What are they and why should you have one?

If you find talking about end-of-life care and advance directives isn’t easy, you’re not alone. One 2013 survey by The Conversation Project found that while 90% of respondents said talking about it with loved ones is important, only 27% actually started the conversation. And according to another recent study, as few as 38% of patients living with a… Continue reading Advance directives: What are they and why should you have one?

Creating Your “A Team” for Health

Today’s guest post is written by PatientsLikeMe Vice President for Advocacy, Policy and Patient Safety Sally Okun, RN, MMHS. Getting health care can often feel like you’re trying to put together a difficult jigsaw puzzle, only to find that some of the pieces are missing. Even under the best circumstances, navigating the health care system is… Continue reading Creating Your “A Team” for Health