Spotlighted Blogger: Meet Psoriasis Patient Joni of “Just a Girl with Spots”

Welcome to the latest installment of our “Spotlighted Blogger” series.  This spring we’ve been focusing on psoriasis patient bloggers, starting with Lissa in March and Alisha B. and Jessica in April. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Joni (girlwithspots), a PatientsLikeMe member who writes a blog called “Just a Girl with Spots.”  How has… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Meet Psoriasis Patient Joni of “Just a Girl with Spots”

Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability

Is InflammaCORE helpful in reducing a chronic inflammatory burden?  Can it alleviate bowel irritability?  Find out just that by sharing your experiences with other patients at PatientsLikeMe and learning what they have to say about this nutritional supplement. A protein powder drink mix, InflammaCORE is marketed as a potent way to support your gastrointestinal, cardiovascular… Continue reading Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability