Holiday Recipes for People with Chronic Illness

When you have a chronic illness, traditional holiday meals can affect how you feel.  If you have kidney disease, you may need to watch your protein and salt intake. For other conditions like heart disease or diabetes, you may need to limit refined sugars. Still, other conditions like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease may require… Continue reading Holiday Recipes for People with Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving is meant for gathering around the table to enjoy time with and connect to friends and family. Chronic illness symptoms like fatigue, achy joints and muscles, and pain are not invited to the table. While a warm, heavy, and possibly sugary dish can bring people together in a special way, it can also cause… Continue reading Chronic Illness-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

“I have been empowered to face the challenges of my condition” – Member Deb shares her journey with type 2 diabetes

Meet Deb (optimisticrealist), a self-described optimist who found no challenge too daunting, exercised daily and maintained a healthy diet. We recently caught up with her and she told us how her type 2 diabetes diagnosis changed the way she thought about what it meant to be healthy. Learn more about Deb’s story and what she… Continue reading “I have been empowered to face the challenges of my condition” – Member Deb shares her journey with type 2 diabetes

Food for thought: August (diet) edition

Many mothers have told their children “you are what you eat,” but some PatientsLikeMe members have taken that idea one step further and are using their diets to try and manage the symptoms of their conditions. People have been sharing about everything from gluten-free to vegan diets – check out what some people said in… Continue reading Food for thought: August (diet) edition