Voices of Fibromyalgia: Patient Video

As we end the year, we give you the last 2008 video from PatientsLikeMe and the first of our new fibromyalgia community.  We asked this newly launched community to tell us “How are you overcoming fibromyalgia?”  This is what they had to say: Thanks to all of you who contributed your “voice” to this video.… Continue reading Voices of Fibromyalgia: Patient Video

HIV: The Story is Far From Over

Recently, PatientsLikeMe opened a community for people affected by HIV, our first outside the area of neurological diseases. Since then, we’ve gained some 700 patients in the community, including a member who goes by the name of “BrightonBear.” His experiences are quite unique as he’s been living with HIV for more than 25 years and… Continue reading HIV: The Story is Far From Over

The “We Have MS Together!” video

Learning from each other can be addictive, and even fun at times. One of our more prolific (and outspoken and creative) MS members, Keeping On, decided to celebrate her 1000th post with a musical salute to some of the most humorous posts and posters in our MS community. So she got together with another witty… Continue reading The “We Have MS Together!” video