5 Tips for Exercising with a Chronic Illness

At some point in your life, you’ve engaged in some kind of physical activity. Maybe you were an athlete as a child, take your dog for regular walks, or enjoy the serenity of a yoga class. Then you were hit with the diagnosis and progression of your chronic illness, causing you to slow down exercise… Continue reading 5 Tips for Exercising with a Chronic Illness

Could the Rolling Stones be part of Parkinson’s disease management? (Check out Pamela Quinn’s blog)

It’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month, and we’re continuing to find meaningful stories in the world of PD. Did you tune into our recent podcast featuring Pamela Quinn – a professional dancer who’s living with Parkinson’s? She teaches dance classes in New York City for people with PD. Now, she’s taking her dance and movement tips to… Continue reading Could the Rolling Stones be part of Parkinson’s disease management? (Check out Pamela Quinn’s blog)

How Heart Attack Warning Signs Differ in Women

A heart attack is unmistakable, right?  Not exactly.  And especially not if you’re a woman. We kicked off February by recognizing National Wear Red Day and sharing a hilarious video created by actress Elizabeth Banks for American Heart Month.  In the short piece, a harried working mother begins having strange symptoms one morning, including tightness… Continue reading How Heart Attack Warning Signs Differ in Women

Life with Parkinson’s Disease: What We’ve Learned

On Tuesday, our interview with blogger Steve Ploussard of “Attitude & Fitness Wins” revealed how one person is managing his Parkinson’s disease (PD).  Today we take a closer look at this progressive neurological condition using the data and experiences shared by our 5,920 PD members. Taking a look at the makeup of our PD community,… Continue reading Life with Parkinson’s Disease: What We’ve Learned