4 Theme Park Tips for Physically Disabled People

Roller coasters, water slides, tilt-whirls, and Ferris wheels are all exciting ways to spend your summer afternoon, but when you use a wheelchair, these options might not be accessible to you. This does not mean that you should cancel your next trip to a theme park. In fact, The American Disabilities Act has set an… Continue reading 4 Theme Park Tips for Physically Disabled People

From “What happened to you?” to “You’re so inspirational”: 5 ways Anne navigates stigma as a wheelchair user

Member Anne Thomas (AnneBT), a civil rights attorney turned professional storyteller, has shared her stories with everyone from elementary schoolers and medical students to corporate leaders and World Bank officials. Anne sustained a spinal cord injury in a car accident at age 18. Her wheelchair is often the first thing people notice about her, so… Continue reading From “What happened to you?” to “You’re so inspirational”: 5 ways Anne navigates stigma as a wheelchair user

Coping with Changes in Physical Appearance

When you are diagnosed with a life-changing illness, your doctor may prepare you for how the disease will affect your physical functions.  But as our members point out, patients also need to be prepared for the changes in physical appearance they may experience.  For example, how do you deal with hair loss, facial swelling, weight… Continue reading Coping with Changes in Physical Appearance

Navigating the Healthcare System with Disabilities

Are medical facilities prepared to meet the needs of disabled individuals?  It would seem reasonable to think so, but according to PatientsLikeMe members, that’s not always the case. For example, consider the case of a female patient using a powered wheelchair who doesn’t have the upper body strength to transfer herself out of the chair. … Continue reading Navigating the Healthcare System with Disabilities

Not Recognizing the “New Me”

For many newly diagnosed patients, accepting help can be as difficult as accepting the diagnosis itself.  According to some of the members of our Parkinson’s disease community, here are a few signs that you may be struggling with the idea of becoming someone who might need help. Have you found yourself feeling resentful when family,… Continue reading Not Recognizing the “New Me”

Surviving Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

It’s Men’s Health Week, and we’re featuring the perspectives of – you guessed it – men.  Following tiredoftired’s guest post about depression on Monday, we are pleased to present this poignant essay by longtime PatientsLikeMe member and mentor Rick N, who has lived with multiple sclerosis (MS) for 23 years. I am a 58-year-old man… Continue reading Surviving Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Living with ALS: What We’ve Learned

Yesterday, our interview with ALS blogger and three-star member Rachael gave you a glimpse into what it’s like to live with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease).  Today we take a closer look using the data and experiences shared by our 4,844 ALS members, who comprise the world’s largest online ALS population. ALS, which stands for amyotrophic… Continue reading Living with ALS: What We’ve Learned

Reflecting on National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Have your health conditions ever caused you to lose a job? Or prevented you from applying – or getting hired – in the first place? October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, an event that aims to recognize the skills that those with disabilities bring to the workforce and promote employment opportunities and access for… Continue reading Reflecting on National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Creating Wheelchair Awareness Through Photos

For someone who uses a wheelchair, there are barriers and hazards everywhere – things that others may not see. But how do you raise visibility of the issue? One of our longtime MS members, gamma, decided that a photo essay of the obstacles that exist in her neighborhood (considered a wheelchair-friendly community) and others would… Continue reading Creating Wheelchair Awareness Through Photos

What Does it Mean When You Have Cold Legs?

If you’ve experienced cold legs yourself, we encourage you to share your experiences to help other patients. PatientsLikeMe’s unique data-sharing platform allows you to share detailed data about all types of treatments, interventions, and lifestyle modifications that have helped you or simply had no effectHave you suddenly realized that your legs are cold? You’re sitting… Continue reading What Does it Mean When You Have Cold Legs?