Does Ozempic Affect Your Period?

Ozempic is a drug also known as semaglutide. This drug has come on the scene recently and is helping people to lose weight, manage their diabetes and obesity. Changing countless lives, the drug has taken off as immensely popular and is considered highly effective. But there are some side effects of Ozempic that should be… Continue reading Does Ozempic Affect Your Period?

Menopause and Depression

A big question in the medical community surrounding menopause is its impact on mental health. Does menopause actually cause depression, or is it merely a side effect of mood shifts? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that mood changes are very real for those experiencing menopause or perimenopause. Perimenopause is the stage in… Continue reading Menopause and Depression

Teen Years with CAH

Medically reviewed and verified by Kate Burke, MD, MHA Growing up with congenital adrenal hyperplasia can bring some unique challenges, especially as you enter your teenage years. This is a time when your body is changing, and so is the way you manage your condition. Here is a simple guide to help you navigate this… Continue reading Teen Years with CAH

7 Strategies for Enhancing Health and Wellness with Chronic Conditions

Integrating Lessons Learned for Enhancing Health Over the past seven weeks, we’ve explored various ways to enhance well-being, offering insights on living a healthier and more fulfilling life. From the power of health perception to managing personal triggers, these themes combine to form a comprehensive approach to personal wellness. Here’s a summary of our key… Continue reading 7 Strategies for Enhancing Health and Wellness with Chronic Conditions

10 Simple Steps to Create a Positive Mindset

Mastering a Positive Mindset: Science-Backed Strategies for a Happier You Living with a chronic condition can be a profound and often isolating experience. It can affect every aspect of life, making the pursuit of positivity feel like a daunting or even unrealistic goal. The intention of this post is not to suggest that pain is… Continue reading 10 Simple Steps to Create a Positive Mindset

Early Signs of Menopause

Perimenopause is the stage prior to menopause. During this transitional period, your body starts to undergo some major changes hormonally. These changes can impact both your physical and emotional wellbeing. This stage can begin as early as your mid-30s or as late as your mid-50s. The time that this stage lasts varies for each person… Continue reading Early Signs of Menopause

Parenting with Anxiety

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, generalized anxiety disorder is a mental health condition that causes excessive, persistent, and unrealistic worry about everyday events or activities. People with GAD may have difficulty controlling their worry, which can impact their social, occupational, or other areas of life. “GAD affects about 3% of the adult population in the… Continue reading Parenting with Anxiety

Mastering Personal Triggers: A Guide to Stress Management

listening relaxing music at home, relaxed man in headphones sitting in deck chair in modern bright interior

Identifying and Navigating Your Personal Triggers for Stress and Pain Management Have you ever suddenly felt overwhelmed or stressed without really knowing why? You might be experiencing a response to a trigger—a specific situation or event that sets off an emotional or physical reaction. Identifying, understanding and managing your personal triggers is an important step… Continue reading Mastering Personal Triggers: A Guide to Stress Management

Medicare’s New Power to Negotiate Drug Prices Could Save Billions

The federal government is set to save billions of dollars thanks to a new Medicare drug price negotiation program. Consumers, particularly seniors, will also benefit from significant cost reductions. This program, authorized by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, is a major effort by the Biden administration to reduce the high costs of prescription drugs in… Continue reading Medicare’s New Power to Negotiate Drug Prices Could Save Billions

Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Embracing Your Potential

Release Your Potential We all have immense potential and are capable of achieving incredible things. Limiting beliefs can hold us back and narrow our view. These self-imposed barriers often prevent us from moving forward. Today, we’ll offer some practical tools and resources to help you release those limiting beliefs and foster a mindset that supports… Continue reading Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Embracing Your Potential