PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Patient Safety (Episode 3)

“What are the things that affect a patient’s safety? It’s everything – it’s not just whether the drug is good or bad, it’s the whole process.” –Jamie Heywood Why does the healthcare industry need to shift from drug safety to patient safety? PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder and Chairman Jamie Heywood explains his view in this week’s edition of… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Patient Safety (Episode 3)

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Patient and Industry Interaction (Episode 2)

“Social media is the canvas on which patients can really paint the entire picture of the experience they’re having with their disease and how it impacts their lives.” – David Williams Why is it so important for patients and industry to work together?  Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Business Development David Williams tells us… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Patient and Industry Interaction (Episode 2)

One for All: The Road Ahead with PatientsLikeMeInMotion™

This Spring, as you’re out at disease-related fundraiser events, take note of the people in those bright blue t-shirts walking, running or biking by your side. Those are patients like you! Since its launch in 2009, more than 1,700 people (including patients, friends and family members) have taken part in the PatientsLikeMeInMotion™ program to raise… Continue reading One for All: The Road Ahead with PatientsLikeMeInMotion™

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Research (Episode 1)

Since 2006, PatientsLikeMe has made great strides in medical research for patients. Of course, all of the research that we do is made possible because of you, our members, and your willingness to openly share your health information, including your treatments, symptoms and outcomes. PatientsLikeMe-led research has been published in at least six different scientific… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Research (Episode 1)

What Does “MS=” for You?

This week marks MS Awareness Week. In celebration of the theme this year (i.e., “MS=”), we are happy to tell the world about what MS equals to us. At PatientsLikeMe, MS= over 22,000 patients sharing their MS journeys with each other and over 90 MS Mentors answering questions about everything from managing symptoms to choosing… Continue reading What Does “MS=” for You?

Look Ahead with PatientsLikeMeOnCall™

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™  is proud to present a new podcast series called “A Look Ahead.”  Through these dynamic podcasts, we will be diving into the major shifts PatientsLikeMe sees ahead for patients, patient care and patient/industry collaboration. At the end of 2010, PatientsLikeMeOnCall released an episode called “The Patient Rules.” In this group podcast, we sat down with… Continue reading Look Ahead with PatientsLikeMeOnCall™

One for All: Ways You Can Share, Find and Learn at PatientsLikeMe

When patients join our site, a common question we get is, “Now that I’ve signed up, what can I do here?” One answer is that you can chart the real-world course of your disease and compare it against other patients. But that sounds a little complex, doesn’t it? If we break it down into simpler… Continue reading One for All: Ways You Can Share, Find and Learn at PatientsLikeMe

Share and Compare: What Have You Learned with InstantMe?

How are you feeling today – honestly? In December, PatientsLikeMe launched a new feature called InstantMe. It’s designed to allow you to chart how you are feeling day in and day out. Is today a bad day? Record it on InstantMe (found on your profile), and if you’d like, add a note explaining what’s going… Continue reading Share and Compare: What Have You Learned with InstantMe?

Patient Choices: The Deciding Factors

In a recent series on patient choices, we’ve highlighted a lot of the decisions patients like you have to make on a daily basis.  A few weeks ago, David S. Williams kicked off the series with a blog about the treatment and career decisions that patients like you, and his mother, have made.  Kate Brigham… Continue reading Patient Choices: The Deciding Factors

Rare Disease Day 2011: “Rare, But Equal”

For patients with prevalent diseases, it may be easy to find others with your condition.  You meet them at clinics; you run into them when seeing your specialist; or you participate in one of the support groups in your area.  For those with rare diseases, the simple act of finding another patient like you isn’t… Continue reading Rare Disease Day 2011: “Rare, But Equal”