Staying aware for UV Safety Month

It’s that time of year. We’re heading out on summer vacations, hitting the beaches and taking in some sun. But as we try to forget about all those work emails for an hour or two, we shouldn’t forget about sun safety. In fact, “skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United… Continue reading Staying aware for UV Safety Month

“Does anyone in healthcare want to be understood?” Sally Okun from PatientsLikeMe at TEDMED2013

It’s no secret that here at PatientsLikeMe, we think that the voice of the patient — your voice — is the number one way to drive medical advancements. At TEDMED 2013, our very own Sally Okun shared that message on one of the world’s largest stages. She asked the audience a very simple question. “Does… Continue reading “Does anyone in healthcare want to be understood?” Sally Okun from PatientsLikeMe at TEDMED2013

Are you sleeping? – Quick poll

We all know that sleep impacts our daily lives and overall well-being. Here at PatientsLikeMe, we want to learn more about how sleep affects your health, and how health affects your sleep. It’s all part of our ongoing “Are You Sleeping?” initiative, so take just a second to click the quick poll below and see… Continue reading Are you sleeping? – Quick poll

“Retooling my attitude.” An interview with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patient & PatientsLikeMe member Lori

As part of our “Spotlighted Blogger” series, we’re talking with people who are sharing their personal health experiences to help raise awareness of disease and change healthcare for good. For our latest interview, we’re talking with Lori, an idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patient who started blogging about her journey back in October 2011. Her blog is… Continue reading “Retooling my attitude.” An interview with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patient & PatientsLikeMe member Lori

Psoriasis in spring: what we’ve learned

Spring has sprung, and for most people that means coming out from winter hibernation, shedding the layers and uncovering their psoriasis. As a part of our regular series, we conducted a survey of the PatientsLikeMe psoriasis community from March through June, receiving responses from over 300 patients. We asked everything from “How do allergies affect… Continue reading Psoriasis in spring: what we’ve learned

The “Are You Sleeping?” campaign kick off. How the PatientsLikeMe Team sleeps

Sleep and its impact on our lives is one of the hottest topics on PatientsLikeMe. It’s one reason why, over the next several months, PatientsLikeMe is going to be taking a deeper look at your sleep experiences and how they affect your overall health. So, we want to know – Are you sleeping? Keep an eye… Continue reading The “Are You Sleeping?” campaign kick off. How the PatientsLikeMe Team sleeps

“The real me” An interview with psoriasis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Maria

Here at PatientsLikeMe, we’re continuing to talk with people who are sharing their health experiences to help raise awareness about their conditions and change medicine for good. For our latest interview, we spoke with Maria who has been living with psoriasis since age 14. Some of you may know her on PatientsLikeMe as pinkdragonrider. She… Continue reading “The real me” An interview with psoriasis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Maria

“It’s all about attitude.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Alys

Have you met Alys yet? Some of you may know her on PatientsLikeMe as browneyedgirl3. Alys was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) back in 1987 and has been sharing her own personal health journey on PatientsLikeMe since 2009. She recently took some time to talk to us about her diagnosis, staying optimistic and what inspired… Continue reading “It’s all about attitude.” An interview with multiple sclerosis patient and PatientsLikeMe member Alys

“Unmasking the Mystery” Raising awareness for migraines

Do you know how many people are affected by migraines? And how many are men, women or children? Here are some quick stats… About 36 million Americans (10% of the population) live with migraines And about 27 million of those are women For 14 million people, they experience chronic daily headaches Migraines can start at… Continue reading “Unmasking the Mystery” Raising awareness for migraines

Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part III, “Bonus round”

Over the last few months, Keith and Sarah have been sharing their journey with us. In this final interview of our three-part series, they talk about how he got on a transplant list and their “phones at the dinner table” policy. If you missed our first two interviews with Keith and Sarah, you can find… Continue reading Keith & Sarah’s personal journey with rare lung disease. Part III, “Bonus round”