PatientsLikeMe Exhibits at the American Academy of Dermatology Summer Meeting

As you know from our recent blog post, August is Psoriasis Awareness Month, and the psoriasis community at PatientsLikeMe has nearly 2,000 members. It’s only fitting that PatientsLikeMe spent last week connecting with others focused on skin health at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Summer Academy Meeting, an annual educational event for dermatology-focused medical professionals.… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Exhibits at the American Academy of Dermatology Summer Meeting

$70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

How serious is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) about increasing patient safety?   So serious that they are running a contest challenging the best and brightest developers to create a platform that makes it easier to report a patient safety event electronically. The… Continue reading $70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

Bringing PatientsLikeMe into the Doctor’s Office: An Interview with Pediatrician Dr. Jim King

You may recall that in July we shared a video about Doctors 2.0 and You, a conference focused on how physicians are using web 2.0 technology.  Today we’d like to present a real-life example of this concept: Dr. Jim King, MSc, MD, FRCPC.  A pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ottawa,… Continue reading Bringing PatientsLikeMe into the Doctor’s Office: An Interview with Pediatrician Dr. Jim King

Redesigning Healthcare: Guest Post by Kirt Hine

Today’s guest post is written by Kirt Hine, who was a research intern at PatientsLikeMe in June and July.  On his last day, Kirt gave a presentation to the entire company about his experience at the 2012 Healthcare Experience Design Conference, held in Boston last March.  It made such an impression that we asked him… Continue reading Redesigning Healthcare: Guest Post by Kirt Hine

PatientsLikeMe and Merck Establish Health Information Collaboration Focused on Psoriasis

Patient-Based Research Aims to Produce New Insights Into Most Common Autoimmune Disease in U.S. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Aug 13, 2012 — PatientsLikeMe announces it has entered into a collaboration with Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, to evaluate the impact of psoriasis on patients and to inform a novel approach to improving outcomes. “A… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe and Merck Establish Health Information Collaboration Focused on Psoriasis

Know Thyself. Quantify Thyself.

Are you someone who likes to track things about yourself?  For example, do you keep an exercise log of how many reps you did – or a food journal that details what (and how much) you consumed?  Do you monitor your health and disease progression at PatientsLikeMe? If so, you might not know it, but… Continue reading Know Thyself. Quantify Thyself.

Today’s Photo: Shake, Rattle and Roll

The heat isn’t letting up this summer – but that isn’t stopping our members from participating in disease-related walk/run events in their local communities. For inspiration, please meet some of the members of Parkinson’s disease patient daddytom’s team, who joined together to raise money and show solidarity at a Shake, Rattle and Roll Run sponsored… Continue reading Today’s Photo: Shake, Rattle and Roll

What Part of MS Are You Most Afraid of?

Can facing your fears help you come to terms with them? That’s the idea behind a recent discussion in our multiple sclerosis (MS) forum, in which one member asked, “What part of MS are you most afraid of?”  The answers poured in from dozens of MS members who found it cathartic to reveal their true… Continue reading What Part of MS Are You Most Afraid of?

Patients as Partners in Personalized Medicine

“It’s only when you really get into the experience of being a patient with a life-changing illness, where you’re dealing with the uncertainty and the process, that you start to learn things.  You start to learn that the experience you’re going through – the pain you’re suffering, or maybe a side effect or something that… Continue reading Patients as Partners in Personalized Medicine

A Day in the Life of PatientsLikeMe Community Manager Jeanette DeVita

What’s it like to work at PatientsLikeMe?  We are continuing to reveal just that with our monthly blog series “A Day in the Life,” which features employees from different departments.  So far, we’ve interviewed User Experience Engineer Cris Necochea, Research Assistant Shivani Bhargava, Office Manager Alison Dutton, Research Scientist Timothy Vaughan, Biz Dev’er Arianne Graham and Product… Continue reading A Day in the Life of PatientsLikeMe Community Manager Jeanette DeVita